About e-Library


The full-service e-Library subscription provides electronic access to research products from The Conference Board of Canada and The Conference Board, Inc. (based in New York). Over 8,000 documents are currently available on the e-Library and more than 350 are added annually.

Our research documents are sold individually or through an annual subscription to one of our flexible e-Library services. If your organization has subscribed to an e-Library service, you will be able to download the series of documents included in the service at no charge.

For more information on our subscriptions, please contact our Sales Team at 1-888-801-8818 or send us an e-mail.

The Conference Board of Canada has also produced a significant number of public policy research documents; this research has been funded by our members or other organizations and is available to all registrants at no charge.

Research Topics

The following topics are covered by this service:

Economic Trends

Includes Canadian, provincial, territorial, metropolitan, and international forecasts, and outlooks for industry sectors, travel and tourism, and consumer and business confidence, as examples.

Organizational Performance

Includes research on human resources, compensation and benefits, corporate social responsibility, governance, risk management, and marketing and organizational excellence.

Public Policy

Includes research on energy, environment and transportation policy, security and safety, education and learning, health and health care, innovation and technology, taxation, trade and investment policy, and Canada’s socio-economic performance.

This research includes:

  • Reports—in-depth, timely, objective presentations of the issues that matter, such as case studies of best-practice organizations and analyses of Canadian public policy issues.
  • Briefings—short research pieces that encapsulate what you need to know about a particular topic or issue.
  • Economic periodicals—practical information that keeps you up to date on key economic indicators and helps you to make timely business decisions.
  • Executive action reports—timely six- to 10-page documents that tackle current and pressing risk management challenges with a global focus, with content from both The Conference Board, Inc. and The Conference Board of Canada.
  • Recorded webinars—60-minute webcasts that are delivered via your device and feature industry experts and practitioners who share knowledge on critical, in-demand business issues.