Browse Canadian Forecast - 5 yr

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 DescriptionTimeseries File IDUnit of Measure

Table 1 - Key Economic Indicators

 Gross domestic product at market pricesYGDPKMillions $ 2017
 Implicit Price Deflator - GDP at Market PricesPGDP2017=1.0
 U.S. Gross Domestic Product at Market PricesUSGDPKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Consumer Price IndexPCPI2002=1.0
 Total EmploymentEThousands ('000s)
 Unemployment RateUR 
 Private Non-Farm Average Hourly EarningsWRHIC 
 Real Personal Disposable IncomeYHDIKMillions $ 2017
 Private Non-Farm ProductivityPRPNFThousands $ 2002
 Federal Government BalanceGBALFMillions $ 2017
 Corporation profits before taxes (gross domestic product basis)BPROFMillions $
 Housing StartsIHSThousands ('000s)
 Prime RateRPRIME 
 Canada - 3 Month Treasury BillRTB90 
 United States - 3 Month Treasury BillUSRTB90 
 Exchange RatePFXU.S./Canada
 Exchange RatePFXICanada/U.S.
 United States Federal Funds RateUSRFUND 
 Merchandise Terms of TradeMTOT 
 Current Account BalanceBPCAMillions $

Table 2 - Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure Based (Millions $ 2017)

 Final consumption expenditureYCKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Household final consumption expenditureCHKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditureCNKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 General governments final consumption expenditureCGKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed capital formationIKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, BusinessIBKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Residential structuresIBRKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures, machinery and equipmentIBNKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structuresIBNSKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Machinery and equipmentIBNMKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Intellectual property productsIBIKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Non-profit institutions serving householdsINKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, General governmentsIGKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Final domestic demandYFDDKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Investment in inventoriesNKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Exports of goods and servicesXKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Less: imports of goods and servicesMKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Real Net ExportsXNETKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Statistical discrepancySKMillions, Chained $ 2017
 Gross domestic product at market pricesYGDPKMillions, Chained $ 2017

Table 3 - Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure Based (Millions $)

 Final consumption expenditureYCMillions $
 Household final consumption expenditureCHMillions $
 Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditureCNMillions $
 General governments final consumption expenditureCGMillions $
 Gross fixed capital formationIMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, BusinessIBMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Residential structuresIBRMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures, machinery and equipmentIBNMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structuresIBNSMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Machinery and equipmentIBNMMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Intellectual property productsIBIMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Non-profit institutions serving householdsINMillions $
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, General governmentsIGMillions $
 Final domestic demandYFDDMillions $
 Investment in inventoriesNMillions $
 Exports of goods and servicesXMillions $
 Less: imports of goods and servicesMMillions $
 Net ExportsXNETMillions $
 Statistical discrepancySMillions $
 Gross domestic product at market pricesYGDPMillions $

Table 4 - Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure Based (2017=1.0)

 Final consumption expenditurePYC2017=1.0
 Household final consumption expenditurePCH2017=1.0
 Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditurePCN2017=1.0
 General governments final consumption expenditurePCG2017=1.0
 Gross fixed capital formationPI2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, BusinessPIB2017=1.0
 Residential structuresPIBR2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures, machinery and equipmentPIBN2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structuresPIBNS2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Machinery and equipmentPIBNM2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Intellectual property productsPIBI2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, Non-profit institutions serving householdsPIN2017=1.0
 Gross fixed Capital Formation, General governmentsPIG2017=1.0
 Final domestic demandPFDD2017=1.0
 Investment in inventoriesPN2017=1.0
 Exports of goods and servicesPX2017=1.0
 Less: imports of goods and servicesPM2017=1.0
 Statistical discrepancyPS2017=1.0
 Gross domestic product at market pricesPGDP2017=1.0

Table 5 - Gross Domestic Product, Income Based (Millions $)

 Compensation of employeesYCMPMillions $
 Wages and salariesWWTOMillions $
 Employers' social contributionsWSLYMillions $
 Gross operating surplusYGOSMillions $
 Net operating surplus: corporationsYNOSBMillions $
 Consumption of fixed capital: corporationsYCFCBMillions $
 Consumption of fixed capital: general governments and non-profit institutions serving householdsYCFCGMillions $
 Gross mixed incomeYGMIMillions $
 Net mixed incomeYNMIUMillions $
 Consumption of fixed capital: unincorporated businessesYCFCUMillions $
 Taxes less subsidies on productionYTSPMillions $
 Taxes less subsidies, on products and importsYTSIMillions $
 Statistical discrepancyYSTDMillions $
 Gross domestic product at market pricesYGDPMPMillions $

Table 6 - Sources and Disposition of Income: Households (Millions $)

 Primary household incomeYHPIMillions $
 Primary household income, Compensation of employeesYHCMPMillions $
 Primary household income, Net mixed incomeYHNMIMillions $
 Primary household income, Net mixed income, Non farm income YHNMINMillions $
 Current accounts - Households: Farm Income; CanadaYHNMIFMillions $
 Primary household income, Net mixed income, Rental income of householdsYHNMIRMillions $
 Primary household income, Net property income of householdsYHPRYMillions $
 Transfers received by householdsYHTRMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From non-profit institutions serving householdsYHTRNMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From corporations YHTRBMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From governmentsYHTRGMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From governments, Employment insurance benefitsYHTRGEMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From governments, Social security benefitsYHTRGSMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From governments, Other benefits YHTRGOMillions $
 Transfers received by households, From non-residents YHTRRMillions $
 Transfers paid by householdsYHTPMillions $
 Transfers paid by households, To non-profit institutions serving householdsYHTPNMillions $
 Transfers paid by households, To corporationsYHTPBMillions $
 Transfers paid by households, To general governmentsYHTPGMillions $
 Transfers paid by households, To general governments, Personal income tax YHTPGXMillions $
 Transfers paid by households, To general governments, Other transfers to governmentYHTPGOMillions $
 Transfers paid by households, To non-residents YHTPRMillions $
 Household disposable incomeYHDIMillions $
 Household net savingsYHNSMillions $
 Household savings rateYHPSRMillions $
 Household total debtKHLMillions $
 Household mortgage debtKHLMORMillions $
 Household non-mortgage debtKHLNMORMillions $
 Household total interest payments on debtHIPMillions $
 Household interest payments on mortgage debtHIPMMillions $
 Household interest payments on non-mortgage debtHIPNMMillions $

Table 7 - Sources and Disposition of Income: Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (Millions $)

 Primary non-profit institutions incomeYNPIMillions $
 Primary non-profit institutions income, Net property income of non-profitsYNPRYMillions $
 Transfers received by nonprofitsYNTRMillions $
 Transfers received by nonprofits, From householdsYNTRHMillions $
 Transfers received by nonprofits, From corporations YNTRBMillions $
 Transfers received by nonprofits, From governmentsYNTRGMillions $
 Transfers received by nonprofits, From non-residents YNTRRMillions $
 Transfers paid by nonprofitsYNTPMillions $
 Transfers paid by nonprofits, To householdsYNTPHMillions $
 Transfers paid by nonprofits, To corporationsYNTPBMillions $
 Transfers paid by nonprofits, To general governmentsYNTPGMillions $
 Transfers paid by nonprofits, To non-residentsYNTPRMillions $
 Non-profit disposable incomeYNDIMillions $
 Non-profit net savingsYNNSMillions $

Table 8 - Sources  and Disposition of Income: Corporations (Millions $)

 Primary corporate incomeYBPIMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net operating surplusYBNOSMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporationsYBPRYMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Property income receivedYBPRYRMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Interest received from residentsYBPRYRIHMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Interest received from non-residentsYBPRYRIRMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Dividends received from residentsYBPRYRDHMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Dividends received from non-residentsYBPRYRDRMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Other receiptsYBPRYROTMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid YBPRYPMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Interest paid to residentsYBPRYPIHMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Interest paid to non-residentsYBPRYPIRMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Dividends paid to residentsYBPRYPDHMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Dividends paid to non-residentsYBPRYPDRMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Remitted profits of government business enterprises to government YBPRYPGVMillions $
 Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Other paymentsYBPRYPOTMillions $
 Transfers paid by corporationsYBTPMillions $
 Transfers paid by corporations, To householdsYBTPHMillions $
 Transfers paid by corporations, To non-profit institutions serving householdsYBTPNMillions $
 Transfers paid by corporations, To general government (corporate income tax)YBTPGMillions $
 Transfers paid by corporations, To non-residentsYBTPRMillions $
 Corporate disposable incomeYBDIMillions $
 Corporate net savingsYBNSMillions $

Table 9 - Sources and Disposition of Income: Corporate Profits (Millions $)

 Corporation profits before taxes (gross domestic product basis)BPROFMillions $
 Plus: dividends and interest on consumer credit and government debt from residentsBDIVHMillions $
 Plus: interest and dividends received from non-residentsBDIVRMillions $
 Less: taxes on income (corporate income tax)BCTAXMillions $
 Equals: corporation profits after taxesBPRAXMillions $
 Less: dividends paid to non-residentsRDIVBMillions $
 Less: current transfers to non-residentsRTRABMillions $
 Equals: corporation profits retained in CanadaBPRICMillions $
 Less: dividends paid to residentsHDIVBMillions $
 Less: current transfers to residentsHTRABMillions $
 Less: remitted profits of government business enterprisesGPROFMillions $
 Equals: undistributed corporation profitsUBPROFMillions $
 Plus: inventory valuation adjustmentBIVAMillions $
 Equals: corporate net savingBNSMillions $

Table 10 - Consumer Expenditures (Millions $ 2017)

 Household final consumption expendituresCHKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Food and non-alcoholic beveragesCHFBEKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Electricity, gas and other fuelsCHELEKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Motor fuels and lubricantsCHMFLKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Other non-durable goodsCHONDKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Alcoholic beverages and tobaccoCHABTKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goodsCHNDKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Furnishings, households appliances and other household durable goodsCHFHAKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Vehicles and partsCHVEPKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Other durable goodsCHODUKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goodsCHDUKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Clothing and footwearCHCFOKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Household semi durable goods (textile, small electric appliances, tools and others)CHHSDKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Recreation and personal effects semi durable goodsCHREPKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goodsCHSDKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Transport ServicesCHTRAKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Communication, Recreation and culture servicesCHCRCKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Accommodation, food and beverage servicesCHAFOKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Insurance, financial and legal servicesCHIFLKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Education, health and other personal servicesCHEHPKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Services related to dwelling and property (including rental and imputed rent)CHDWRKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Net expenditure abroadCHNEAKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, Services CHSEKMillions $ 2017
 Consumption Expenditures, GoodsCHGOKMillions $ 2017
 Total new motor vehicle sales, seasonally adjustedVEHSALESUnits

Table 11 - Consumer Expenditures (Millions $)

 Household final consumption expendituresCHMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Food and non-alcoholic beveragesCHFBEMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Electricity, gas and other fuelsCHELEMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Motor fuels and lubricantsCHMFLMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Other non-durable goodsCHONDMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Alcoholic beverages and tobaccoCHABTMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goodsCHNDMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Furnishings, households appliances and other household durable goodsCHFHAMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Vehicles and partsCHVEPMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Other durable goodsCHODUMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goodsCHDUMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Clothing and footwearCHCFOMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Household semi durable goods (textile, small electric appliances, tools and others)CHHSDMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Recreation and personal effects semi durable goodsCHREPMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goodsCHSDMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Transport ServicesCHTRAMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Communication, Recreation and culture servicesCHCRCMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Accommodation, food and beverage servicesCHAFOMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Insurance, financial and legal servicesCHIFLMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Education, health and other personal servicesCHEHPMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Services related to dwelling and property (including rental and imputed rent)CHDWRMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Net expenditure abroadCHNEAMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, Services CHSEMillions $
 Consumption Expenditures, GoodsCHGOMillions $
 Retail SalesNRTMillions $

Table 12 - Consumption Deflators and Consumer Price Indexes (2017=1.0)

 Household final consumption expendituresPCH2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Food and non-alcoholic beveragesPCHFBE2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Electricity, gas and other fuelsPCHELE2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Motor fuels and lubricantsPCHMFL2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Other non-durable goodsPCHOND2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Alcoholic beverages and tobaccoPCHABT2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goodsPCHND2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Furnishings, households appliances and other household durable goodsPCHFHA2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Vehicles and partsPCHVEP2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Other durable goodsPCHODU2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Durable goodsPCHDU2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Clothing and footwearPCHCFO2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Household semi durable goods (textile, small electric appliances, tools and others)PCHHSD2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Recreation and personal effects semi durable goodsPCHREP2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goodsPCHSD2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Transport ServicesPCHTRA2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Communication, Recreation and culture servicesPCHCRC2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Accommodation, food and beverage servicesPCHAFO2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Insurance, financial and legal servicesPCHIFL2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Education, health and other personal servicesPCHEHP2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Services related to dwelling and property (including rental and imputed rent)PCHDWR2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services, Net expenditure abroadPCHNEA2017=1.0
 Consumption Expenditures, Services PCHSE2017=1.0

Table 13 - Housing Starts and Residential Construction Expenditures

 Housing Starts, TotalIHSThousands ('000s)
 Housing Starts, SinglesIHSSThousands ('000s)
 Housing Starts, MultiplesIHMSThousands ('000s)
 Housing Completions, TotalIHCThousands ('000s)
 Housing Completions, SinglesIHSCThousands ('000s)
 Housing Completions, MultiplesIHMCThousands ('000s)
 Business Residential ConstructionIBRKMillions $ 2017
 Business Residential Construction, New HousingIBRNKMillions $ 2017
 Business Residential Construction, RenovationsIBRRKMillions $ 2017
 Business Residential Construction, Ownership Transfer CostIBROKMillions $ 2017
 Business Residential ConstructionIBRMillions $
 Business Residential Construction, New HousingIBRNMillions $
 Business Residential Construction, RenovationsIBRRMillions $
 Business Residential Construction, Ownership Transfer CostIBROMillions $

Table 14 - Gross Fixed Capital Formation (Millions $ 2017)

 Total gross fixed capital formationIKMillions $ 2017
 Total business gross fixed capital formationIBKMillions $ 2017
 Residential structuresIBRKMillions $ 2017
 Residential New constructionIBRNKMillions $ 2017
 Residential RenovationsIBRRKMillions $ 2017
 Residential Ownership transfer costsIBROKMillions $ 2017
 Non-residential structuresIBNSKMillions $ 2017
 Non-residential buildingsIBNSBKMillions $ 2017
 Engineering structuresIBNSEKMillions $ 2017
 Engineering structures, Pipeline TransportationIBPIPNSEKMillions $ 2017
 Machinery and equipmentIBNMKMillions $ 2017
 Intellectual property productsIBIKMillions $ 2017
 Research and developmentIBIRKMillions $ 2007
 SoftwareIBISKMillions $ 2007
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formationIGKMillions $ 2017
 ConstructionIGCKMillions $ 2017
 Residential structuresIGCRKMillions $ 2017
 Non-residential structuresIGCNKMillions $ 2017
 Non-residential buildingsIGCNBKMillions $ 2017
 Engineering structuresIGCNEKMillions $ 2017
 Machinery and equipmentIGMKMillions $ 2017
 Weapons systemsIGWKMillions $ 2017
 Intellectual property productsIGIKMillions $ 2017
 Total non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formationINKMillions $ 2017
 Investment in inventoriesNKMillions $ 2017
  Business investment in inventories: Non-farm inventoriesNBNFKMillions $ 2017
  Business investment in inventories: FarmNBAGKMillions $ 2017
 Mining, Total non-residentialIBMINNRKMillions $ 2017
 Oil and gas, Total non-residentialIBOILNRKMillions $ 2017
 Other mining (besides oil and gas), Total non-residentialIBOMNNRKMillions $ 2017
 Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution, Total non-residentialIBPOWNRKMillions $ 2017
 Manufacturing, Total non-residentialIBMANNRKMillions $ 2017
 Transportation and warehousing, Total non-residentialIBTSCNRKMillions $ 2017
 Pipeline transportation, Total non-residentialIBPIPNRKMillions $ 2017
 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing, Total non-residentialIBFFINNRKMillions $ 2017
 Other, Total non-residentialIBOTHNRKMillions $ 2017

Table 15 - Gross Fixed Capital Formation (Millions $)

 Total gross fixed capital formationIMillions $
 Total business gross fixed capital formationIBMillions $
 Residential structuresIBMillions $
 Residential New constructionIBRNMillions $
 Residential RenovationsIBRRMillions $
 Residential Ownership transfer costsIBROMillions $
 Non-residential structuresIBNSMillions $
 Non-residential buildingsIBNSBMillions $
 Engineering structuresIBNSEMillions $
 Engineering structures, Pipeline TransportationIBPIPNSEMillions $
 Machinery and equipmentIBNMMillions $
 Intellectual property productsIBIMillions $
 Mineral exploration and evaluationIBIMMillions $
 Research and developmentIBIRMillions $
 SoftwareIBISMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formationIGMillions $
 ConstructionIGCMillions $
 Residential structuresIGCRMillions $
 Non-residential structuresIGCNMillions $
 Non-residential buildingsIGCNBMillions $
 Engineering structuresIGCNEMillions $
 Machinery and equipmentIGMMillions $
 Weapons systemsIGWMillions $
 Intellectual property productsIGIMillions $
 Total non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formationINMillions $
 Investment in inventoriesNMillions $
  Business investment in inventories: Non-farm inventoriesNBNFMillions $
  Business investment in inventories: FarmNBAGMillions $

Table 16 - Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Implicit Prices (2017=1)

 Total gross fixed capital formationPIImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Total business gross fixed capital formationPIBImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Residential structuresPIBRImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Residential New constructionPIBRNImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Residential RenovationsPIBRRImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Residential Ownership transfer costsPIBROImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Non-residential structuresPIBNSImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Non-residential buildingsPIBNSBImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Engineering structuresPIBNSEImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Machinery and equipmentPIBNMImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Intellectual property productsPIBIImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Mineral exploration and evaluationPIBIMImplicit Price Series 2007=1
 Research and developmentPIBIRImplicit Price Series 2007=1
 SoftwarePIBISImplicit Price Series 2007=1
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formationPIGImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 ConstructionPIGCImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Residential structuresPIGCRImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Non-residential structuresPIGCNImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Non-residential buildingsPIGCNBImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Engineering structuresPIGCNEImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Machinery and equipmentPIGMImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Weapons systemsPIGWImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Intellectual property productsPIGIImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Total non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formationPINImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Investment in inventoriesPNImplicit Price Series 2017=1
  Business investment in inventories: Non-farm inventoriesPNBNFImplicit Price Series 2017=1
  Business investment in inventories: FarmPNBAGImplicit Price Series 2017=1
 Electricity Power Price IndexPIPNEPImplicit Price Series 2009=1

Table 17 - Balance of Payments (Millions $)

 ExportsXMillions $
 Exports, MerchandiseXMMillions $
 Exports, Non-MerchandiseXSMillions $
 ImportsMMillions $
 Imports, MerchandiseMMMillions $
 Imports, Non-MerchandiseMSMillions $
 Net ExportsXNETMillions $
 Net Exports, MerchandiseXNETMMillions $
 Net Exports, Non-MerchandiseXNETSMillions $
 Net Investment Income Paid to Non-ResidentsYNPNRMillions $
 Net Current TransfersBOPTRANSMillions $
 Temporary Balance of Payments Adjustment TermBPADJTMPMillions $
 Current Account BalanceBPCA 
 Current Account Balance/GDPRBPCAMillions $
 Statistical DiscrepancyFISDMillions $
 Total Capital and financial account, net flows; all countriesFITOTALMillions $
 Exchange RatePFXICanada/U.S.
 Interest Differential:  T-BillRDTP90Canada/U.S.

Table 18 - Consumer Expenditures (Millions $ 2017)

 Merchandise Exports, TotalXMKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing productsXAGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Live animals XLANKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Wheat XWHEKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, CanolaXCANKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Other Farm and Fishing ProductsXOAGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Energy ProductsXENKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Crude oil and crude bitumen XOILKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products XGASKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Refined petroleum energy products XPCPKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, ElectricityXELEKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Other energy products XOENKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Crude Metals and MineralsXCMKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Primary MetalsXPMKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products XCHKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Wood productsXWDKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Pulp and paper stock XPAKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing productsXMFKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts XINDKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts XELCKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Motor vehicles and parts XMVPKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts XAIRKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other transportation equipment and parts XOTRKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other manufacturing productsXOMFKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods XCGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco productsXFBTKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goodsXOCGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Special transactions trade XSPKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Exports, Other balance of payments adjustments XBPKMillions $ 2017

Table 19 - Merchandise Exports Commodities (Millions $)

 Merchandise Exports, TotalXMMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing productsXAGMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Live animals XLANMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Wheat XWHEMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, CanolaXCANMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Other Farm and Fishing ProductsXOAGMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Energy ProductsXENMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Crude oil and crude bitumen XOILMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products XGASMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Refined petroleum energy products XPCPMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, ElectricityXELEMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Other energy products XOENMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Crude Metals and MineralsXCMMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Primary MetalsXPMMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products XCHMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Wood productsXWDMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Pulp and paper stock XPAMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing productsXMFMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts XINDMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts XELCMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Motor vehicles and parts XMVPMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts XAIRMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other transportation equipment and parts XOTRMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other manufacturing productsXOMFMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods XCGMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco productsXFBTMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goodsXOCGMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Special transactions trade XSPMillions $
 Merchandise Exports, Other balance of payments adjustments XBPMillions $

Table 20 - Export Deflators (2017=1)

 Merchandise Export Deflator, TotalPXM2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing productsPXAG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Live animals PXLAN2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Wheat PXWHE2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, CanolaPXCAN2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Other Farm and Fishing ProductsPXOAG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy ProductsPXEN2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Crude oil and crude bitumen PXOIL2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products PXGAS2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Refined petroleum energy products PXPCP2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, ElectricityPXELE2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Other energy products PXOEN2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Crude Metals and MineralsPXCM2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Primary MetalsPXPM2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products PXCH2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Wood productsPXWD2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Pulp and paper stock PXPA2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing productsPXMF2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts PXIND2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts PXELC2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Motor vehicles and parts PXMVP2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts PXAIR2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Other transportation equipment and parts PXOTR2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Other manufacturing productsPXOMF2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Consumer goods PXCG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco productsPXFBT2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Consumer goods, Other consumer goodsPXOCG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Special transactions trade PXSP2017=1.0
 Merchandise Export Deflator, Other balance of payments adjustments PXBP2017=1.0

Table 21 - Merchandise Imports Commodities (Millions $ 2017)

 Merchandise Imports, TotalMMKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Farm and fishing products MAGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Energy ProudctsMENKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Crude oil and crude bitumen MOILKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products MGASKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Refined petroleum energy products MPCPKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, ElectricityMELEKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Other energy products MOENKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Crude Metals and MineralsMCMKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Primary MetalsMPMKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic & rubber products MCHKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Wood productsMWDKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Pulp and paper stock MPAKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing ProductsMMFKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts MINDKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts MELCKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Motor vehicles and parts MMVPKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts MAIRKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other transportation equipment and parts MOTRKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other manufacturing productsMOMFKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goodsMCGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products MFBTKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Clothing, footwear and textile products MTKCKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goodsMOCGKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Special transactions trade MSPKMillions $ 2017
 Merchandise Imports, Other balance of payments adjustments MBPKMillions $ 2017

Table 22 - Merchandise Imports Commodities (Millions $)

 Merchandise Imports, TotalMMMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Farm and fishing products MAGMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Energy ProudctsMENMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Crude oil and crude bitumen MOILMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products MGASMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Refined petroleum energy products MPCPMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, ElectricityMELEMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Other energy products MOENMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Crude Metals and MineralsMCMMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Primary MetalsMPMMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic & rubber products MCHMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Wood productsMWDMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Pulp and paper stock MPAMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing ProductsMMFMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts MINDMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts MELCMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Motor vehicles and parts MMVPMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts MAIRMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other transportation equipment and parts MOTRMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other manufacturing productsMOMFMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goodsMCGMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products MFBTMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Clothing, footwear and textile products MTKCMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goodsMOCGMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Special transactions trade MSPMillions $
 Merchandise Imports, Other balance of payments adjustments MBPMillions $

Table 23 - Import Deflators (2017=1)

 Merchandise Import Deflator, TotalPMM2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Farm and fishing products PMAG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy ProudctsPMEN2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Crude oil and crude bitumen PMOIL2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products PMGAS2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Refined petroleum energy products PMPCP2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, ElectricityPMELE2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Other energy products PMOEN2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Crude Metals and MineralsPMCM2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Primary MetalsPMPM2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic & rubber products PMCH2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Wood productsPMWD2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Pulp and paper stock PMPA2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing ProductsPMMF2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts PMIND2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts PMELC2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Motor vehicles and parts PMMVP2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts PMAIR2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Other transportation equipment and parts PMOTR2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Other manufacturing productsPMOMF2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goodsPMCG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products PMFBT2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods, Clothing, footwear and textile products PMTKC2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods, Other consumer goodsPMOCG2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Deflator, Special transactions trade PMSP2017=1.0
 Merchandise Import Delator, Other balance of payments adjustments PMBP2017=1.0

Table 24 - Non-Merchandise Trade (Millions $ 2017)

 Non-Merchandise Exports, TotalXSK Millions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Exports, TravelXTRKMillions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Exports, TransportationXFSKMillions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Exports, Other ServicesXOSKMillions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Imports, TotalMSKMillions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Imports, TravelMTRKMillions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Imports, TransportationMFSKMillions $ 2017
 Non-Merchandise Imports, Other ServicesMOSKMillions $ 2017
 Balances, TravelXNTRKMillions $ 2017
 Balances, TransportationXNFSKMillions $ 2017
 Balances, Other ServicesXNOSKMillions $ 2017
 Total Balance, Total Non-MerchandiseXNETSKMillions $ 2017

Table 25 - Non-Merchandise Trade (Millions $)

 Non-Merchandise Exports, TotalXS Millions $
 Non-Merchandise Exports, TravelXTRMillions $
 Non-Merchandise Exports, TransportXFSMillions $
 Non-Merchandise Exports, Other ServicesXOSMillions $
 Non-Merchandise ImportsMSMillions $
 Non-Merchandise Imports, TravelMTRMillions $
 Non-Merchandise Imports, TransportationMFSMillions $
 Non-Merchandise Imports, Other ServicesMOSMillions $
 Exports of Interests and DividendsXIDMillions $
 Imports of Interests and DividendsMIDMillions $
 Imports of Interests and Dividends, InterestsMINMillions $
 Imports of Interests and Dividends, DividendsMDVMillions $
 Imports of Interests and Dividends, OtherMIOMillions $
 Balances, TravelXNTRMillions $
 Balances, TransportationXNFSMillions $
 Balances, Other ServicesXNOSMillions $
 Balances, Investment Income (BOP)XNIDMillions $
 Balances, Financial Services indirectly measured (NIA)XFISMillions $
 Balances, Financial Services indirectly measured (NIA)MFISMillions $
 Balances, Financial Services indirectly measured (NIA)XNFIMillions $
 Total Balance, Total Non-MerchandiseXNETSMillions $

Table 26 - Non-Merchandise Deflators (2017=1)

 Non-Merchandise Export Deflator, Total PXS 2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Export Deflator, Travel PXTR2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Export Deflator, Transportation PXFS2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Export Deflator,Other ServicesPXOS2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Import Deflator, Total PMS2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Import Deflator, Travel PMTR2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Import Deflator, Transportation PMFS2017=1.0
 Non-Merchandise Import Deflator,Other ServicesPMOS2017=1.0

Table 27 - GDP At Basic Prices By Industry (Millions $ 2017)

 Gross Domestic Product at Basic PricesQRDPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and SupportQAGGMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support, Crop and Animal ProductionQCROPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product: Forestry and LoggingQFLOGMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support, Fishing, Hunting and TrappingQHUNTMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support, Support Activities for Agriculture and ForestryQSAGFMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, MiningQMINMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Oil and Gas ExtractionQMOILMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Conventional Oil ExtractionQMOICMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Non-conventional Oil ExtractionQMOINMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Coal MiningQMCOAMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Metal Ore MiningQMOREMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and QuarryingQMMINMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Support Activities for Mining and Oil and Gas ExtractionQMSUPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, UtilitiesQUTIMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Utilities, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and DistributionQEPOWMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Utilities, Natural Gas Distribution, Water, Sewage and Other SystemsQGASDMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, ConstructionQCONMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Residential Building ConstructionQCRESMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Non-residential Building ConstructionQCNRBMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Oil and Gas Engineering ConstructionQCOILMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Electric Power Engineering ConstructionQCEPEMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Transportation Engineering ConstructionQCTRAMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Repair ConstructionQCOBUMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Other ConstructionQCOENMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, ManufacturingQMANMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Food ManufacturingQFFOOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Beverage and Tobacco Product ManufacturingQFBEVMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Textile and Textile Product MillsQFTEXMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Clothing ManufacturingQFCLOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Wood Product ManufacturingQFWOOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Paper ManufacturingQFPAPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Printing and Related Support ActivitiesQFPRNMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Petroleum and Coal Products ManufacturingQFPETMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Chemical ManufacturingQFCHEMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Plastics and Rubber Products ManufacturingQFPLAMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Non-Metallic Mineral Product ManufacturingQFMINMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Primary Metal ManufacturingQFPRMMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Fabricated Metal Products ManufacturingQFFABMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Machinery ManufacturingQFMACMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Computer and Electronic Product ManufacturingQFCOMMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component ManufacturingQFEEQMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment ManufacturingQFTRMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Motor Vehicle and PartsQFMVPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Other TransportationQFOTRMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Furniture and Related Product ManufacturingQFFURMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Miscellaneous ManufacturingQFMISMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, ServicesQSERMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business ServicesQCMSMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, TradeQWRTMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Building material and supplies wholesaler-distributorsQTWBUMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Food, beverage and tobacco wholesaler-distributorsQTWFOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Wholesale TradeQTWHOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Machinery, equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributorsQTWMEMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Motor vehicle and parts wholesaler-distributorsQTWMVMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Other Wholesale tradeQTWOTMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealersQTRBUMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Clothing and clothing accessories storesQTRCLMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Retail TradeQTRETMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Food and beverage storesQTRFOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Furniture and home furnishings stores and Electronics and appliance storesQTRFUMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Gasoline stationsQTRGAMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Retail Motor vehicle and parts dealersQTRMVMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Other Retail TradeQTROTMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Sporting goods, hobby, book and music storesQTRSPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and WarehousingQTSCMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Air transportationQWAIRMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Rail transportationQWRAIMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Water transportationQWWATMillions $
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Truck TransportationQWTRUMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Transit and Ground Passenger TransportationQWTRAMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Pipeline TransportationQWPIPMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Support activities for transportationQWSUPMillions $
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Postal Service and Couriers and MessengersQWPOSMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Warehousing and StorageQWSTOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural ServicesQCULMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services, Motion Picture and broadcastingQCPICMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services, Publishing Industries, Data processing, hosting, and related servicesQCPTEMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services, Publishing Industries, Information Services and Data Processing ServicesQCPUBMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Credit intermediation and monetary authoritiesQFFIN Millions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Insurance carriers and related activitiesQFINSMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Real estate and rental and leasingQFREAMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and LeasingQIFIMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesQEMANMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Other, Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesQPROFMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Other, Administrative and Support ServicesQADMIMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Other, Waste Management and Remediation ServicesQWASTMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business ServicesQNCSMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Educational ServicesQEDUCMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Health Care and Social Assistance and HospitalsQHEALMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Arts, Entertainment and RecreationQARTSMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Accommodation and Food ServicesQACCOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Repair and Maintenance, Grant making Organizations, and Operating Office, Cafeteria and Lab SuppliesQOSERMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, GovernmentQPADMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Other Municipal Government ServicesQPLOCMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Other Provincial and Territorial Government ServicesQPROVMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Aboriginal public administrationQPABOMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Federal Government Defence ServicesQPDEFMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Other Federal Government ServicesQPFEDMillions $ 2017
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Aerospace Product and Parts ManufacturingQFAERMillions $ 2007
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing QFRRRMillions $ 2007
 Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Ship and Boat Building QFSHPMillions $ 2007

Table 28 - Labour Market

 EmploymentEThousands ('000s)
 Part-Time EmploymentEPARTThousands ('000s)
 Total PopulationHPThousands ('000s)
 Source PopulationLPThousands ('000s)
 Participation RateLPRThousands ('000s)
 Labour ForceLFThousands ('000s)
 Unemployment RateURThousands ('000s)

Table 29 -Employment by Sector

 EmploymentEThousands ('000s)
 Employment, AgricultureECROThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Other PrimaryEOPRThousands ('000s)
 Employment, ManufacturingEMANThousands ('000s)
 Employment, ConstructionECONThousands ('000s)
 Employment, UtilitiesEUTIThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services,ESERThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, CommercialECMSThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Wholesale and Retail TradeEWRTThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Transportation and WarehousingETSCThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and LeasingEIFIThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesEPROThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Business, Building and other Support ServicesEADWThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Information, Culture and RecreationECURThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Accommodation and Food ServicesEACCThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Commercial, Other ServicesEOSEThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Non-CommercialENCSThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Non-Commercial, Educational ServicesEEDUThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Non-Commercial, Health Care and Social AssistanceEHEAThousands ('000s)
 Employment, Services, Public Administration and DefenceEPADThousands ('000s)

Table 30 - Average Weekly Hours by Sector

 Average Weekly Hours, Industrial CompositeAWHIC 
 Average Weekly Hours, AgricultureAWHCRO 
 Average Weekly Hours, Other PrimaryAWHOPR 
 Average Weekly Hours, ManufacturingAWHMAN 
 Average Weekly Hours, ConstructionAWHCON 
 Average Weekly Hours, UtilitiesAWHUTI 
 Average Weekly Hours, ServicesAWHSER 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial ServicesAWHCMS 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail TradeAWHWRT 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and WarehousingAWHTSC 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate and LeasingAWHIFI 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesAWHPRO 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Business, Building and other Support ServicesAWHADW 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Information, Culture and RecreationAWHCUR 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Accommodation and Food ServicesAWHACC 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Other ServicesAWHOSE 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Non-Commercial ServicesAWHNCS 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational ServicesAWHEDU 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social AssistanceAWHHEA 
 Average Weekly Hours, Services, Public Administration and DefenceAWHPAD 

Table 31 - Output per Hours Worked by Sector

 Productivity, Private Non-FarmPRPNFOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, AgriculturePRCROOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Other PrimaryPROPROutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, ManufacturingPRMANOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, ConstructionPRCONOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, UtilitiesPRUTIOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, ServicesPRSEROutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial ServicesPRCMSOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail TradePRWRTOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and WarehousingPRTSCOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate and LeasingPRIFIOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesPRPROOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Business, Building and other Support ServicesPRADWOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Information, Culture and RecreationPRCUROutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Accommodation and Food ServicesPRACCOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Other ServicesPROSEOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Non-Commercial ServicesPRNCSOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational ServicesPREDUOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social AssistancePRHEAOutput/Person Hour
 Productivity, Services, Public Administration and DefencePRPADOutput/Person Hour

Table 32 - Average Weekly Wages by Sector

 Average Weekly Wages (Industrial Composite)WWIC$
 Average Weekly Wages, AgricultureWWCRO$
 Average Weekly Wages, Other PrimaryWWOPR$
 Average Weekly Wages, ManufacturingWWMAN$
 Average Weekly Wages, ConstructionWWCON$
 Average Weekly Wages, UtilitiesWWUTI$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services WWSER$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial ServicesWWCMS$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail TradeWWWRT$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and WarehousingWWTSC$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate and LeasingWWIFI$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical ServicesWWPRO$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Business, Building and other Support ServicesWWADW$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Information, Culture and RecreationWWCUR$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Accommodation and Food ServicesWWACC$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Other ServicesWWOSE$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Non-Commercial ServicesWWNCS$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational ServicesWWEDU$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social AssistanceWWHEA$
 Average Weekly Wages, Services, Public Administration and DefenceWWPAD$
 Average Weekly Wages, All IndustriesWW$

Table 33 - Wages and Salaries Per Employee by Sector

 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, AgricultureAWCROThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Other PrimaryAWOPRThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, ManufacturingAWMANThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, ConstructionAWCONThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, UtilitiesAWUTIThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, ServicesAWSERThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial ServicesAWCMSThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail TradeAWWRTThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and WarehousingAWTSCThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services, Commercial and Personal ServicesAWCPSThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Non-Commercial ServicesAWNCSThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational ServicesAWEDUThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social AssistanceAWHEAThousands ('000s)
 Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Public Administration and DefenceAWPADThousands ('000s)

Table 34 - Total Wages by Sector and Income

 Total Wages, AgricultureWCROMillions $
 Total Wages, Other PrimaryWOPRMillions $
 Total Wages, ManufacturingWMANMillions $
 Total Wages, ConstructionWCONMillions $
 Total Wages, UtilitiesWUTIMillions $
 Total Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail TradeWWRTMillions $
 Total Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and WarehousingWTSCMillions $
 Total Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Commercial and Personal ServicesWCPSMillions $
 Total Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational servicesWEDUMillions $
 Total Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social AssistanceWHEAMillions $
 Total Wages, Services, Public Administration and DefenceWPADMillions $
 Labour IncomeWWTOMillions $
 Supplementary Labour IncomeWSLYMillions $
 Total IncomeWYTOMillions $

Table 35 - Unit Labour Costs, Capacity Utilization Rates and Industrial Production Index

 Unit Labour Costs (Industrial Composite)ULCICMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, AgricultureULCCROMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Other PrimaryULCOPRMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, ManufacturingULCMANMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, ConstructionULCCONMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, UtilitiesULCUTIMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, ServicesULCSERMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial ServicesULCCMSMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail TradeULCWRTMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and WarehousingULCTSCMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services, Commercial and Personal ServicesULCCPSMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Non-Commercial ServicesULCNCSMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational ServicesULCEDUMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social AssistanceULCHEAMillions $
 Unit Labour Costs, Services, Public Administration and DefenceULCPADMillions $
 Relative Unit Labour Cost Index, Canadian/U.S. (Industrial Composite)RULCUSMillions $
 Capacity Utilization Rates - ManufacturingCURMANMillions $
 Industrial Production IndexQIPMillions $

Table 36 - Raw Materials and Industry Product Prices (January 2020=1)

 West Texas Intermediate Oil Price (U.S. $)POILUSU.S. $
 Henry Hub Natural Gas Price (U.S. $)PGASUSU.S. $
 Raw Materials Price Index, TotalPRMJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw materials price index, excluding crude energy productsPRMXEJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Price Index, Animal and animal productsPRMAPJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Product Index, Logs, pulpwood, natural rubber and other forestry productsPRMWDJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Price Index, Crop ProductsPRMCPJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Price Index, Non-metallic MineralsPRMNMJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Price Index, Non-metallic MineralsPRMMTJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Material Price Index, Crude Energy ProductsPRMMF January 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Product Index, Crude oil and cude bitumenPRMMFOJanuary 2020=1.0
 Raw Materials Product Index, Mineral fuels, Natural gasPRMMFGJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Total manufacturingPIPJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Food, beverage and tobacco product manufacturingPIPFBJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Wood product manufacturingPIPWDJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Paper manufacturingPIPPAJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Petroleum and coal products manufacturingPIPPCJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Chemical manufacturingPIPCHJanuary 2020=1.0
 Western Canada Select Oil PricePOILWCSU.S. $
 Canadian Heavy DifferentialPOILWCSDU.S. $
 Industry Product Price, Primary metal manufacturingPIPPMJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Machinery manufacturingPIPMEJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Motor vehicle and partsPIPMVJanuary 2020=1.0
 Industry Product Price, Other manufacturingPIPOMJanuary 2020=1.0

Table 37 - Housing Prices and Aggregate Deflators (2017=1.0)

 Average resale home pricePHMLS$
 New housing price indexPHNHPI2017=1.0
 Business Residential Construction DeflatorPIBR2017=1.0
 Aggregate Deflators, Final Domestic DemandPFDD2017=1.0
 Aggregate Deflators, Gross Domestic ProductPGDP2017=1.0

Table 38 - Total Government Revenues and Expenditures (Millions $)

 General governments revenueTREVMillions $
 Taxes on incomesTINCMillions $
 Contributions to social insurance plansTEIPCMillions $
 Taxes on production and importsTPRMMillions $
 Taxes on productionTPRDTMillions $
 Taxes on productsTPROMillions $
 Other current transfers from householdsTTPERMillions $
 Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving householdsTTNPRMillions $
 Other current transfers from non-residentsTTFNRFMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINMillions $
 Sales of goods and servicesTSOGSMillions $
 Capital transfersTCAPMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHMillions $
 Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving householdsGTNPRMillions $
 SubsidiesGSUBMillions $
 Subsidies on products and importsGSPIMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residentsGTNRMillions $
 Capital transfersGCASMillions $
 Interest on debtGIOPDMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALMillions $
 consumption of fixed capitalGCCAMillions $
 Less: non-financial capital acquisitionGNFCMillions $
 Fixed capitalGNFFMillions $
 InventoriesGNFINMillions $
 Equals: net lending or net borrowingGNTLMillions $

Table 39 - Federal Government Revenues and Expenditures (Millions $)

 General governments revenueTREVFMillions $
 Taxes on incomesTINCFMillions $
 From householdsTIHHFMillions $
 Income taxesTIPITFMillions $
 Wealth transfer taxesTIWTTFMillions $
 From corporations and government business enterprises, liabilities (accrual basis)TIBITFMillions $
 From non-residents (withholding taxes)TINRWFMillions $
 Contributions to social insurance plansTEIPCFMillions $
 Taxes on production and importsTPRMFMillions $
 Taxes on productionTPRDTFMillions $
 Taxes on productsTPROFMillions $
 Custom import dutiesTPCIDFMillions $
 Excise dutiesTPEXDFMillions $
 Excise taxesTPXTFMillions $
 Manufacturers' sales taxTPFSTFMillions $
 Gasoline and motive fuel taxesTPGASFMillions $
 Oil export tax, Natural gas and old age security fund levyTPOILFMillions $
 Other excise taxesTPOTHFMillions $
 Goods and services tax, accrual basisTPGSTFMillions $
 Air travellers security chargeTPAIRFMillions $
 Federal-provincial lottery agreementTPLOTFMillions $
 Parimutuel supervisionTPPARFMillions $
 Western Grain Stabilization levy, Canadian ownership charge, Petroleum compensation charge, Other federal taxes on productsTPPETFMillions $
 Other current transfers from householdsTTPERFMillions $
 Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving householdsTTNPRFMillions $
 Current transfers from general governmentsTGOVFMillions $
 From provincial and territorial general governmentsTGPRVFMillions $
 From local general governmentsTGLOCFMillions $
 From Aboriginal general governmentsTGABOFMillions $
 Other current transfers from non-residentsTTFNRFMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINFMillions $
 RoyaltiesTYROYFMillions $
 Interest and other investment incomeTYIINFMillions $
 Remitted profits of government business enterprisesTYGBUFMillions $
 Sales of goods and servicesTSOGSFMillions $
 Capital transfersTCAPFMillions $
 From householdsTCPERFMillions $
 From non-profit institutions serving householdsTCNPRFMillions $
 From businessTCBUSFMillions $
 From general governmentsTCGOVFMillions $
 From non-residentsTCNRSFMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPFMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSFMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Non-defenceGGSNDEF Millions $
 DefenceGGSDEFF Millions $
 Consumption of fixed capitalGCCAFMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHFMillions $
 Family and youth allowancesGTHFAFMillions $
 Child Tax BenefitGTHCTFMillions $
 Universal Childcare BenefitGTHCBFMillions $
 Child Tax CreditGTHCCFMillions $
 Employment Insurance benefitsGTHEIFMillions $
 Old age securityGTHOAFMillions $
 Goods and Services Tax creditGTHGSFMillions $
 War veterans' allowancesGTHVEFMillions $
 Adult occupational trainingGTHTRFMillions $
 Research and scholarship grantsGTHREFMillions $
 Other federal transfers to householdsGTHOTFMillions $
 Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving householdsGTNPRFMillions $
 SubsidiesGSUBFMillions $
 Subsidies on products and importsGSPIFMillions $
 AgricultureGSPAGFMillions $
 Non-agricultureGSPNAFMillions $
 Subsidies on productionGSPROFMillions $
 Current transfers to general governmentsGXGRFMillions $
 To provincial and territorial general governmentsGXTPFMillions $
 To provincial and territorial administrationGXPTFMillions $
 Taxation agreementsGXPTAFMillions $
 Post-secondary educationGXPPSMillions $
 Hospital insuranceGXPHIFMillions $
 MedicareGXPMCFMillions $
 Extended health careGXPEHFMillions $
 Canada Assistance PlanGXPCAFMillions $
 Canadian health and social transfersGXPHFMillions $
 Canadian Health TransferGXPHTFMillions $
 Canadian Social TransferGXPSTFMillions $
 Territorial governmentsGXPTGFMillions $
 Official languagesGXPOLFMillions $
 Regional developmentGXPRDFMillions $
 Current transfers to general governments, OtherGXPOTFMillions $
 Current transfers to general governments, provincial and territorial educationGXEDUFMillions $
 Current transfers to general governments, provincial health and social servicesGXHSSFMillions $
 Current transfers to general governments, local general governmentsGXLGGFMillions $
 Current transfers to general governments, Aboriginal general governmentsGXABOFMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residentsGTNRFMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residents, Contributions and aidGTNRAFMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residents, Pension benefits and otherGTNRPFMillions $
 Capital transfersGCASFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To householdsGCAHHFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To non-profit institutions serving householdsGCANPFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To businessGCABUFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To general governmentsGCAGFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To provincial and territorial general governmentsGCAGPFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To local general governmentsGCAGLFMillions $
 Capital transfers, To Aboriginal general governmentsGCAGAF Millions $
 Capital transfers, To non-residentsGCANRFMillions $
 Interest on debtGIOPDFMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALFMillions $
 Non-financial capital acquisitionGNFCFMillions $
 Fixed capitalGNFFFMillions $
 New capitalGNFNCFMillions $
 Existing capitalGNFECFMillions $
 InventoriesGNFINFMillions $
 Net lending or net borrowingGNTLFMillions $

Table 40 - Provincial Government Revenues and Expenditures (Millions $)

 General governments revenueTREVPMillions $
 Taxes on incomesTINCPMillions $
 From householdsTIHHPMillions $
 From corporations and government business enterprises, liabilities (accrual basis)TIBITPMillions $
 Contributions to social insurance plansTEIPCPMillions $
 Employers contributions to workers' compensationTEIWCPMillions $
 Employer and employee contributions to industrial employees' vacationsTEIVCPMillions $
 Contributions to social insurance plans, otherTEIOTPMillions $
 Taxes on production and importsTPRMPMillions $
 Taxes on productionTPRDPMillions $
 Natural resource licences and taxesTPNATPMillions $
 Motor vehicle licencesTPMVLPMillions $
 Licences, permits and feesTPLICPMillions $
 Real property taxesTPPRXPMillions $
 Capital taxesTPCAPPMillions $
 Payroll taxesTPPAYPMillions $
 Agricultural insurance premiumsTPAGRPMillions $
 Other provincial and territorial taxes on productionTPPOTPMillions $
 Taxes on productsTPROPMillions $
 General sales taxesTPGSTPMillions $
 Tobacco taxesTPTSTPMillions $
 Other sales taxesTPOSTPMillions $
 Amusement taxesTPAMUPMillions $
 Gasoline and motive fuel taxesTPGASPMillions $
 Liquor trading profitsTPLIQPMillions $
 Gaming trading profitsTPGAMPMillions $
 Land transfer taxesTPLTTPMillions $
 Liquor gallonage taxesTPLIGPMillions $
 Other current transfers from householdsTTPERPMillions $
 Motor vehicle and drivers licencesTTPMVPMillions $
 Health insurance premiumsTTPHIPMillions $
 OtherTTPOTPMillions $
 Other current transfers from households, EducationTTPEDPMillions $
 Other current transfers from households, Health CareTTPHEPMillions $
 Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving householdsTTNPRPMillions $
 Current transfers from general governmentsTGOVPMillions $
 From federal governmentTGFEDPMillions $
 From local general governmentsTGLOCPMillions $
 From Aboriginal general governmentsTGABOPMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINPMillions $
 RoyaltiesTYROYPMillions $
 Interest and other investment incomeTYIINPMillions $
 Remitted profits of government business enterprisesTYGBUPMillions $
 Provincial and territorial education; Investment incomeTYEDUPMillions $
 Provincial and territorial health and social services; Investment incomeTYHEAPMillions $
 Sales of goods and servicesTSOGSPMillions $
 Capital transfersTCAPPMillions $
 From householdsTCPERPMillions $
 From non-profit institutions serving householdsTCNPRPMillions $
 From businessTCBUSPMillions $
 From general governmentsTCGOVPMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPPMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSPMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, GeneralGGSGENPMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, MedicareGGSMEDPMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, HospitalsGGSHEAPMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, EducationGGSEDUPMillions $
 Consumption of fixed capitalGCCAPMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, Income maintenanceGTHWEPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, Other Social AssistanceGTHOSPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, Social insurance benefits, workers' compensationGTHWCPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, Social insurance benefits, otherGTHSIPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, Health CareGTHOTPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, EducationGTHHEPMillions $
 Current transfers to households, OtherGTHEDPMillions $
 Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving householdsGTNPRPMillions $
 SubsidiesGSUBPMillions $
 Subsidies on products and importsGSPIPMillions $
 AgricultureGSPAGPMillions $
 Non-agricultureGSPNAPMillions $
 Subsidies on productionGSPROPMillions $
 Current transfers to general governmentsGXGRPMillions $
 To Federal GovernmentGXTFDPMillions $
 To local general governmentsGXLOCPMillions $
 To Aboriginal general governmentsGXABOPMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residentsGTNRPMillions $
 Capital transfersGCASPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To householdsGCAHHPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To non-profit institutions serving householdsGCANPPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To businessGCABUPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To general governmentsGCAGPMillions $
 Capital transfers,To Federal GovernmentGCAGFPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To local general governmentsGCAGLPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To Aboriginal general governmentsGCAGAPMillions $
 Capital transfers, To non-residentsGCANRPMillions $
 Interest on debtGIOPDPMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALPMillions $
 Less: non-financial capital acquisitionGNFCPMillions $
 Fixed capitalGNFFPMillions $
 New capitalGNFNCPMillions $
 Existing capitalGNFECPMillions $
 Equals: net lending or net borrowingGNTLPMillions $

Table 41 - Local Government Revenues and Expenditures (Millions $)

 Business taxesTPBUSLMillions $
 Amusement taxesTPAMULMillions $
 General governments revenueTREVLMillions $
 Taxes on production and importsTPRMLMillions $
 Taxes on productionTPRDLMillions $
 Licences, permits and feesTPLICLMillions $
 Real property taxesTPPRXLMillions $
 Other local taxes on factors of productionTPPOTLMillions $
 Taxes on productsTPROLMillions $
 Deed transfer taxTPDEELMillions $
 Local sales taxesTPSTXLMillions $
 Other current transfers from householdsTTPERLMillions $
 Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving householdsTTNPRLMillions $
 Current transfers from general governmentsTGOVLMillions $
 From federal governmentTGFEDLMillions $
 From provincial and territorial general governmentsTGPRVLMillions $
 From Aboriginal general governmentsTGABOLMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINLMillions $
 Interest and other investment incomeTYIINLMillions $
 Remitted profits of government business enterprisesTYGBULMillions $
 Sales of goods and servicesTSOGSLMillions $
 Capital transfersTCAPLMillions $
 From householdsTCPERLMillions $
 From non-profit institutions serving householdsTCNPRLMillions $
 From businessTCBUSLMillions $
 From general governmentsTCGOVLMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPLMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSLMillions $
 Consumption of fixed capitalGCCALMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHLMillions $
 Current transfers to households, Social assistanceGTHWELMillions $
 Other federal transfers to households, otherGTHOTLMillions $
 Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving householdsGTNPRLMillions $
 SubsidiesGSUBLMillions $
 Subsidies on products and importsGSPIMLMillions $
 Subsidies on productionGSPROLMillions $
 Current transfers to general governmentsGXGRLMillions $
 To Federal GovernmentGXTFDLMillions $
 To provincial and territorial general governmentsGXPROLMillions $
 To Aboriginal general governmentsGXABOLMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residentsGTNRLMillions $
 Capital transfersGCASLMillions $
 To non-profit institutions serving householdsGCANPLMillions $
 To businessGCABULMillions $
 To general governmentsGCAGLMillions $
 To non-residentsGCANRLMillions $
 Interest on debtGIOPDLMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALLMillions $
 Less: non-financial capital acquisitionGNFCLMillions $
 Fixed capitalGNFFLMillions $
 New capitalGNFNCLMillions $
 Existing capitalGNFECLMillions $
 Equals: net lending or net borrowingGNTLLMillions $
 To householdsGCAHHLMillions $
 Developers feesTPDEVLMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, General Operating ExpenditureGGSGENLMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Education Operating ExpenditureGGSEDULMillions $

Table 42 - Aboriginal Government Revenues and Expenditures (Millions $)

 General governments revenueTREVAMillions $
 Taxes on production and importsTPRMAMillions $
 Current transfers from general governmentsTGOVAMillions $
 From federal governmentTGFEDAMillions $
 From provincial and territorial general governmentsTGPRVAMillions $
 From local general governmentsTGLOCAMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINAMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPAMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSAMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHAMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALAMillions $
 consumption of fixed capitalGCCAAMillions $
 Less: non-financial capital acquisitionGNFCAMillions $
 Fixed capitalGNFFAMillions $
 Equals: net lending or net borrowingGNTLAMillions $

Table 43 - Canada and Quebec Pension Plan Revenues and Expenditures (Millions)

 General governments revenueTREVCMillions $
 Contributions to social insurance plansTEIPCCMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINCMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPCMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSCMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHCMillions $
 Current transfers to non-residentsGTNRCMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALCMillions $
 General governments revenueTREVQMillions $
 Contributions to social insurance plansTEIPCQMillions $
 Investment incomeTYINQMillions $
 General governments expenditureGEXPQMillions $
 Gross current expenditure on goods and servicesGGGSQMillions $
 Current transfers to householdsGTHHQMillions $
 General governments surplus or deficitGBALQMillions $
 Pension assets at market value, CPPKCPPMillions $
 Pension assets at market value, QPPKQPPMillions $

Table 47 - Government gross fixed capital formation (Millions $ 2017)

 Total general governments gross fixed capital formationIGKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, ConstructionIGCKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRKMillions $ 2017
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRAKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential structuresIGCNKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBKMillions $ 2017
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRFKMillions $ 2017
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRLKMillions $ 2017
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBAKMillions $ 2017
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBFKMillions $ 2017
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRPKMillions $ 2017
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBLKMillions $ 2017
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBPKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEKMillions $ 2017
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEAKMillions $ 2017
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEFKMillions $ 2017
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNELKMillions $ 2017
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEPKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMKMillions $ 2017
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMAKMillions $ 2017
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMFKMillions $ 2017
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMLKMillions $ 2017
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMPKMillions $ 2017
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Weapons systemsIGWKMillions $ 2017
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGIKMillions $ 2017
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGIAKMillions $ 2017
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGIFKMillions $ 2017
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGILKMillions $ 2017
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation,Intellectual property productsIGIPKMillions $ 2017

Table 48 - Government gross fixed capital formation (Millions)

 Total general governments gross fixed capital formationIGMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, ConstructionIGCMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRMillions $
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRAMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential structuresIGCNMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBMillions $
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRFMillions $
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRLMillions $
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBAMillions $
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBFMillions $
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structuresIGCRPMillions $
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBLMillions $
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildingsIGCNBPMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEMillions $
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEAMillions $
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEFMillions $
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNELMillions $
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structuresIGCNEPMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMMillions $
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMAMillions $
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMFMillions $
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMLMillions $
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipmentIGMPMillions $
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Weapons systemsIGWMillions $
 Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGIMillions $
 Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGIAMillions $
 Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGIFMillions $
 Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property productsIGILMillions $
 Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation,Intellectual property productsIGIPMillions $

Table 49 - Government Balance Sheet (Millions $)

 Total assets, Federal GovernmentKASSFMillions $, Book Value
 Financial assets, Federal GovernmentKASSFIFMillions $, Book Value
 Non-financial assets, Federal GovernmentKASSNFFMillions $, Book Value
 Total Liabilities Federal GovernmentKLIAFMillions $, Book Value
 Net worth, Federal Government KDEBTFMillions $, Book Value
 Total assets, Provincial GovernmentKASSPMillions $, Book Value
 Financial assets, Provincial GovernmentKASSFIPMillions $, Book Value
 Non-financial assets, Provincial GovernmentKASSNFPMillions $, Book Value
 Total Liabilities Provincial GovernmentKLIAPMillions $, Book Value
 Net worth, Provincial Government KDEBTPMillions $, Book Value
 Total assets, Local GovernmentKASSLMillions $, Book Value
 Financial assets, Local GovernmentKASSFILMillions $, Book Value
 Non-financial assets, Local GovernmentKASSNFLMillions $, Book Value
 Total Liabilities, Local GovernmentKLIALMillions $, Book Value
 Net worth, Federal Government KDEBTLMillions $, Book Value
 Pension assets at market value, CPPKCPPMillions $ Market Value
 Pension assets at market value, QPPKQPPMillions $ Market Value

Table 50 - Selected Canadian and U.S. Interest Rates

 Canada, Personal Savings DepositsRPSD 
 Canada, 1-Year GICRGIC1 
 Canada, 3-Year GICRGIC3 
 Canada, 5-Year GICRGIC5 
 Canada, 30-Day Treasury BillRTB30 
 Canada, 90-Day Treasury BillRTB90 
 Canada, 6-Month Treasury BillRTB6M 
 Canada, 1-Year Treasury BillRTB1Y 
 Canada, 30-Day Corporate PaperRCP30 
 Canada, Bank RateRBANK 
 Overnight Rate, Average Rate Over QuarterROVNT 
 Canada, Prime Lending RateRPRIME 
 Canada, Real Prime Lending RateRPRIMEK 
 Canada, 1-Year Conventional MortgageRMCM1 
 Canada, 3-Year Conventional MortgageRMCM3 
 Canada, 5-Year Conventional MortgageRMCM5 
 Canada, Average Residential Mortgage RateRAVMT5 
 Canada, Consumer Loan RateRCNLR 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: 1 - 3 YearsRGOC1 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: 2 YearsRGOC2 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: 3 YearsRGOC3 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: 5 YearsRGOC5 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: 7 YearsRGOC7 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: 10 YearsRGOC10 
 Canada, Federal Bonds: Long-TermRGOCL 
 Canada, Canada Savings BondRCSB 
 Canada, Interest rate on Bankers AcceptancesRBACC 
 United States, Federal Fund RateUSRFUND 
 United States, Prime Lending RateUSRPRIME 
 United States, 90-Day Treasury BillUSRTB90 
 United States, 90-Day Corporate PaperUSRCP90 
 30 Year T-Bill RateUSRLONGT 
 United States;United States treasuries constant maturity: 5 yearUSRGOC5%
 United State, Moody's AAA Corporate BondUSRCB 

Table 51 - Monetary Aggregates and Government of Canada Securities (Millions $)

 Gross deposits at chartered banksFDBCTMillions $
 Total deposits at chartered banks held by general publicFDBGPMillions $
 Total personal deposits at chartered banksFDBPTMillions $
 Personal checkable deposits at chartered banksFDBPCMillions $
 M2 GrossFM2Millions $
 M3 GrossFM3Millions $
 M2 VelocityFM2VEL 
 Total Canadian dollar assets of chartered banksFABCTMillions $
 T-bill holdings of chartered banksFABGTBMillions $
 Holdings of Govt. Of Canada bonds (<=3 years) by chartered banksFABG3UMillions $
 Holdings of Govt. Of Canada bonds (> 3 years) by chartered banksFABG3AMillions $
 Personal loans held by chartered banksFABPLMillions $
 Business loans held by chartered banksFABBLMillions $
 Residential mortgages held by chartered banksFABRMORTMillions $
 Bankers acceptances held by chartered banksFABBAMillions $
 Personal non-checkable deposits at chartered banksFDBPNCMillions $
 Personal fixed term deposits at chartered banksFDBPFTMillions $
 Total non-personal deposits at chartered banksFDBNPTMillions $
 Non-personal checkable deposits at chartered banksFDBNPCMillions $
 Non-personal non-checkable deposits at chartered banksFDBNPNCMillions $
 Non-personal fixed term deposits at chartered banksFDBNPFTMillions $
 Government of Canada deposits at chartered banksFDBGOCMillions $

Table 52 - Business Non-Residential Gross Capital Stock (Millions $ 2017)

 Capital Stock, totalKTOTMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, BusinessKBUSMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, Intelectual propertyKBUSIMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, M&EKBUSNMMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, BuildingKBUSNSBMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, EngineeringKBUSNSEMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, PublicKPUBMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, Public, Intelectual propertyKPUBIMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, Public. M&EKPUBNMMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, Public, BuildingKPUBNSBMillions $ 2017
 Capital Stock, Public, EngineeringKPUBNSEMillions $ 2017
 Capital - Labour RatioRKLMillions $ 2017

Table 53 - Monetary Policy Indicators

 Consumer Price IndexPCPI2002=1.0
 Core Consumer Price IndexPCPIX2002=1.0
 Expected InflationPCER 
 New Housing Price IndexPIBRN2017=1.0
 Real Interest RateRPRIME-PCER 
 Output GapOGAP 
 Total EmploymentEThousands ('000s)
 Unemployment RateUR 
 Average Weekly Wages (Industrial Composite)WWIC$
 Unit Labour Costs, Industrial CompositeULCICMillions $
 Raw Materials Price IndexPRM2010=1.0

Table 54 - Potential Output

 Potential OutputYPOTMillions $ 2017
  Growth in Trend ProductivityTFPTRTFP Units
 Capital Stock, totalKTOTMillions $ 2017
  Potential Average Hours WorkedAHTR 
  Natural Unemployment RateNUR 
  Actual Unemployment RateUR 
  Potential Labour ForceLFTRThousands ('000s)
  Actual Labour ForceLFTRThousands ('000s)
  Potential Labour Part RateLPRTR 
  Actual Labour Part RateLPR 
 Actual OutputQRDPZIREMillions $ 2017
 Output GapOGAPMillions $ 2017

Table 55 - United States Key Economic Indicators

 Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices (Billions U.S. $ 2009)USGDPKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 GDP DeflatorUSPGDP2009=100
 Producer Price Index (Finished Goods)USPPFG1982=100
 Consumer Price IndexUSPCPI1982-84=100
 Index of Industrial ProductionUSQI1997=100
 Housing StartsUSIHSThousands ('000s) SAAR
 Unit Labour Costs (Non-Farm)USULCNF2009=100
 U.S. M2USFM2Billions U.S. $
 Federal Funds RateUSRFUND 
 Prime Loan RateUSRPRIME 
 91-Day T-Bill RateUSRTB90 
 90-Day Commercial Paper RateUSRCP90 
 30 Year T-Bill RateUSRLONGT 
 Total Non-Farm Employment (Millions )USEMillions U.S. $
 Moody's AAA Corporate Bond RateUSRCB 
 Unemployment RateUSUR 
 West Texas Intermediate Oil PricePOILUSU.S. $/Barrel
 Federal Reserve Board 10 Country $ IndexUSPFXFRBBillions U.S. $
 Federal Deficit NIPA BasisUSGBALFBillions U.S. $ SAAR
 Current Account BalanceUSBPCABillions U.S. $

Table 56 - U.S. Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure-Based (Billions $ 2000)

 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Consumer ExpendituresUSCKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Government Spending and InvestmentUSGGSKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation BusinessUSIBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Residential ConstructionUSIRCBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, StructuresUSINRBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, EquipmentUSIMEKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Intellectual PropertyUSIBIKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Final Domestic DemandUSFDDKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, ExportsUSXKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Exports, MerchandiseUSXMKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, ImportsUSMKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Imports, MerchandiseUSMMKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Net ExportsUSXNETKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Value of Physical Change in InventoriesUSIIBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Domestic Product at Market PricesUSGDPKBillions U.S. $ 2009