| Gross domestic product at market prices | YGDPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Implicit Price Deflator - GDP at Market Prices | PGDP | 2017=1.0 |
| U.S. Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices | USGDPK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Consumer Price Index | PCPI | 2002=1.0 |
| Total Employment | E | Thousands ('000s) |
| Unemployment Rate | UR | |
| Private Non-Farm Average Hourly Earnings | WRHIC | |
| Real Personal Disposable Income | YHDIK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Private Non-Farm Productivity | PRPNF | Thousands $ 2002 |
| Federal Government Balance | GBALF | Millions $ 2017 |
| Corporation profits before taxes (gross domestic product basis) | BPROF | Millions $ |
| Housing Starts | IHS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Prime Rate | RPRIME | |
| Canada - 3 Month Treasury Bill | RTB90 | |
| United States - 3 Month Treasury Bill | USRTB90 | |
| Exchange Rate | PFX | U.S./Canada |
| Exchange Rate | PFXI | Canada/U.S. |
| United States Federal Funds Rate | USRFUND | |
| Merchandise Terms of Trade | MTOT | |
| Current Account Balance | BPCA | Millions $ |
| Final consumption expenditure | YCK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Household final consumption expenditure | CHK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditure | CNK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| General governments final consumption expenditure | CGK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed capital formation | IK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business | IBK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Residential structures | IBRK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures, machinery and equipment | IBNK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures | IBNSK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Machinery and equipment | IBNMK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Intellectual property products | IBIK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Non-profit institutions serving households | INK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, General governments | IGK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Final domestic demand | YFDDK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Investment in inventories | NK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Exports of goods and services | XK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Less: imports of goods and services | MK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Real Net Exports | XNETK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Statistical discrepancy | SK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Gross domestic product at market prices | YGDPK | Millions, Chained $ 2017 |
| Final consumption expenditure | YC | Millions $ |
| Household final consumption expenditure | CH | Millions $ |
| Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditure | CN | Millions $ |
| General governments final consumption expenditure | CG | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed capital formation | I | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business | IB | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Residential structures | IBR | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures, machinery and equipment | IBN | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures | IBNS | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Machinery and equipment | IBNM | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Intellectual property products | IBI | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Non-profit institutions serving households | IN | Millions $ |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, General governments | IG | Millions $ |
| Final domestic demand | YFDD | Millions $ |
| Investment in inventories | N | Millions $ |
| Exports of goods and services | X | Millions $ |
| Less: imports of goods and services | M | Millions $ |
| Net Exports | XNET | Millions $ |
| Statistical discrepancy | S | Millions $ |
| Gross domestic product at market prices | YGDP | Millions $ |
| Final consumption expenditure | PYC | 2017=1.0 |
| Household final consumption expenditure | PCH | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-profit institutions serving households' final consumption expenditure | PCN | 2017=1.0 |
| General governments final consumption expenditure | PCG | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed capital formation | PI | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business | PIB | 2017=1.0 |
| Residential structures | PIBR | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures, machinery and equipment | PIBN | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Non-residential structures | PIBNS | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Business, Machinery and equipment | PIBNM | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Intellectual property products | PIBI | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, Non-profit institutions serving households | PIN | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross fixed Capital Formation, General governments | PIG | 2017=1.0 |
| Final domestic demand | PFDD | 2017=1.0 |
| Investment in inventories | PN | 2017=1.0 |
| Exports of goods and services | PX | 2017=1.0 |
| Less: imports of goods and services | PM | 2017=1.0 |
| Statistical discrepancy | PS | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross domestic product at market prices | PGDP | 2017=1.0 |
| Compensation of employees | YCMP | Millions $ |
| Wages and salaries | WWTO | Millions $ |
| Employers' social contributions | WSLY | Millions $ |
| Gross operating surplus | YGOS | Millions $ |
| Net operating surplus: corporations | YNOSB | Millions $ |
| Consumption of fixed capital: corporations | YCFCB | Millions $ |
| Consumption of fixed capital: general governments and non-profit institutions serving households | YCFCG | Millions $ |
| Gross mixed income | YGMI | Millions $ |
| Net mixed income | YNMIU | Millions $ |
| Consumption of fixed capital: unincorporated businesses | YCFCU | Millions $ |
| Taxes less subsidies on production | YTSP | Millions $ |
| Taxes less subsidies, on products and imports | YTSI | Millions $ |
| Statistical discrepancy | YSTD | Millions $ |
| Gross domestic product at market prices | YGDPMP | Millions $ |
| Primary household income | YHPI | Millions $ |
| Primary household income, Compensation of employees | YHCMP | Millions $ |
| Primary household income, Net mixed income | YHNMI | Millions $ |
| Primary household income, Net mixed income, Non farm income | YHNMIN | Millions $ |
| Current accounts - Households: Farm Income; Canada | YHNMIF | Millions $ |
| Primary household income, Net mixed income, Rental income of households | YHNMIR | Millions $ |
| Primary household income, Net property income of households | YHPRY | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households | YHTR | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From non-profit institutions serving households | YHTRN | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From corporations | YHTRB | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From governments | YHTRG | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From governments, Employment insurance benefits | YHTRGE | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From governments, Social security benefits | YHTRGS | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From governments, Other benefits | YHTRGO | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by households, From non-residents | YHTRR | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households | YHTP | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households, To non-profit institutions serving households | YHTPN | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households, To corporations | YHTPB | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households, To general governments | YHTPG | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households, To general governments, Personal income tax | YHTPGX | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households, To general governments, Other transfers to government | YHTPGO | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by households, To non-residents | YHTPR | Millions $ |
| Household disposable income | YHDI | Millions $ |
| Household net savings | YHNS | Millions $ |
| Household savings rate | YHPSR | Millions $ |
| Household total debt | KHL | Millions $ |
| Household mortgage debt | KHLMOR | Millions $ |
| Household non-mortgage debt | KHLNMOR | Millions $ |
| Household total interest payments on debt | HIP | Millions $ |
| Household interest payments on mortgage debt | HIPM | Millions $ |
| Household interest payments on non-mortgage debt | HIPNM | Millions $ |
| Primary non-profit institutions income | YNPI | Millions $ |
| Primary non-profit institutions income, Net property income of non-profits | YNPRY | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by nonprofits | YNTR | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by nonprofits, From households | YNTRH | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by nonprofits, From corporations | YNTRB | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by nonprofits, From governments | YNTRG | Millions $ |
| Transfers received by nonprofits, From non-residents | YNTRR | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by nonprofits | YNTP | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by nonprofits, To households | YNTPH | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by nonprofits, To corporations | YNTPB | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by nonprofits, To general governments | YNTPG | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by nonprofits, To non-residents | YNTPR | Millions $ |
| Non-profit disposable income | YNDI | Millions $ |
| Non-profit net savings | YNNS | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income | YBPI | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net operating surplus | YBNOS | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations | YBPRY | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Property income received | YBPRYR | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Interest received from residents | YBPRYRIH | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Interest received from non-residents | YBPRYRIR | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Dividends received from residents | YBPRYRDH | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Dividends received from non-residents | YBPRYRDR | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Net property income of corporations, Other receipts | YBPRYROT | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid | YBPRYP | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Interest paid to residents | YBPRYPIH | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Interest paid to non-residents | YBPRYPIR | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Dividends paid to residents | YBPRYPDH | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Dividends paid to non-residents | YBPRYPDR | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Remitted profits of government business enterprises to government | YBPRYPGV | Millions $ |
| Primary corporate income, Less: property income paid, Other payments | YBPRYPOT | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by corporations | YBTP | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by corporations, To households | YBTPH | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by corporations, To non-profit institutions serving households | YBTPN | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by corporations, To general government (corporate income tax) | YBTPG | Millions $ |
| Transfers paid by corporations, To non-residents | YBTPR | Millions $ |
| Corporate disposable income | YBDI | Millions $ |
| Corporate net savings | YBNS | Millions $ |
| Corporation profits before taxes (gross domestic product basis) | BPROF | Millions $ |
| Plus: dividends and interest on consumer credit and government debt from residents | BDIVH | Millions $ |
| Plus: interest and dividends received from non-residents | BDIVR | Millions $ |
| Less: taxes on income (corporate income tax) | BCTAX | Millions $ |
| Equals: corporation profits after taxes | BPRAX | Millions $ |
| Less: dividends paid to non-residents | RDIVB | Millions $ |
| Less: current transfers to non-residents | RTRAB | Millions $ |
| Equals: corporation profits retained in Canada | BPRIC | Millions $ |
| Less: dividends paid to residents | HDIVB | Millions $ |
| Less: current transfers to residents | HTRAB | Millions $ |
| Less: remitted profits of government business enterprises | GPROF | Millions $ |
| Equals: undistributed corporation profits | UBPROF | Millions $ |
| Plus: inventory valuation adjustment | BIVA | Millions $ |
| Equals: corporate net saving | BNS | Millions $ |
| Household final consumption expenditures | CHK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Food and non-alcoholic beverages | CHFBEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Electricity, gas and other fuels | CHELEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Motor fuels and lubricants | CHMFLK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Other non-durable goods | CHONDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Alcoholic beverages and tobacco | CHABTK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods | CHNDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Furnishings, households appliances and other household durable goods | CHFHAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Vehicles and parts | CHVEPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Other durable goods | CHODUK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods | CHDUK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Clothing and footwear | CHCFOK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Household semi durable goods (textile, small electric appliances, tools and others) | CHHSDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Recreation and personal effects semi durable goods | CHREPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods | CHSDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Transport Services | CHTRAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Communication, Recreation and culture services | CHCRCK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Accommodation, food and beverage services | CHAFOK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Insurance, financial and legal services | CHIFLK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Education, health and other personal services | CHEHPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Services related to dwelling and property (including rental and imputed rent) | CHDWRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Net expenditure abroad | CHNEAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services | CHSEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Goods | CHGOK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total new motor vehicle sales, seasonally adjusted | VEHSALES | Units |
| Household final consumption expenditures | CH | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Food and non-alcoholic beverages | CHFBE | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Electricity, gas and other fuels | CHELE | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Motor fuels and lubricants | CHMFL | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Other non-durable goods | CHOND | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Alcoholic beverages and tobacco | CHABT | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods | CHND | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Furnishings, households appliances and other household durable goods | CHFHA | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Vehicles and parts | CHVEP | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Other durable goods | CHODU | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods | CHDU | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Clothing and footwear | CHCFO | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Household semi durable goods (textile, small electric appliances, tools and others) | CHHSD | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Recreation and personal effects semi durable goods | CHREP | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods | CHSD | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Transport Services | CHTRA | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Communication, Recreation and culture services | CHCRC | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Accommodation, food and beverage services | CHAFO | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Insurance, financial and legal services | CHIFL | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Education, health and other personal services | CHEHP | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Services related to dwelling and property (including rental and imputed rent) | CHDWR | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Net expenditure abroad | CHNEA | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services | CHSE | Millions $ |
| Consumption Expenditures, Goods | CHGO | Millions $ |
| Retail Sales | NRT | Millions $ |
| Household final consumption expenditures | PCH | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Food and non-alcoholic beverages | PCHFBE | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Electricity, gas and other fuels | PCHELE | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Motor fuels and lubricants | PCHMFL | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Other non-durable goods | PCHOND | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods, Alcoholic beverages and tobacco | PCHABT | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Non-durable goods | PCHND | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Furnishings, households appliances and other household durable goods | PCHFHA | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Vehicles and parts | PCHVEP | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods, Other durable goods | PCHODU | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Durable goods | PCHDU | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Clothing and footwear | PCHCFO | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Household semi durable goods (textile, small electric appliances, tools and others) | PCHHSD | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods, Recreation and personal effects semi durable goods | PCHREP | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Semi-durable goods | PCHSD | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Transport Services | PCHTRA | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Communication, Recreation and culture services | PCHCRC | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Accommodation, food and beverage services | PCHAFO | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Insurance, financial and legal services | PCHIFL | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Education, health and other personal services | PCHEHP | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Services related to dwelling and property (including rental and imputed rent) | PCHDWR | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services, Net expenditure abroad | PCHNEA | 2017=1.0 |
| Consumption Expenditures, Services | PCHSE | 2017=1.0 |
| Housing Starts, Total | IHS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Housing Starts, Singles | IHSS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Housing Starts, Multiples | IHMS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Housing Completions, Total | IHC | Thousands ('000s) |
| Housing Completions, Singles | IHSC | Thousands ('000s) |
| Housing Completions, Multiples | IHMC | Thousands ('000s) |
| Business Residential Construction | IBRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Business Residential Construction, New Housing | IBRNK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Business Residential Construction, Renovations | IBRRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Business Residential Construction, Ownership Transfer Cost | IBROK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Business Residential Construction | IBR | Millions $ |
| Business Residential Construction, New Housing | IBRN | Millions $ |
| Business Residential Construction, Renovations | IBRR | Millions $ |
| Business Residential Construction, Ownership Transfer Cost | IBRO | Millions $ |
| Total gross fixed capital formation | IK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total business gross fixed capital formation | IBK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Residential structures | IBRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Residential New construction | IBRNK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Residential Renovations | IBRRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Residential Ownership transfer costs | IBROK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-residential structures | IBNSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-residential buildings | IBNSBK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Engineering structures | IBNSEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Engineering structures, Pipeline Transportation | IBPIPNSEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Machinery and equipment | IBNMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Intellectual property products | IBIK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Research and development | IBIRK | Millions $ 2007 |
| Software | IBISK | Millions $ 2007 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation | IGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Construction | IGCK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Residential structures | IGCRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-residential structures | IGCNK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-residential buildings | IGCNBK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Engineering structures | IGCNEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Machinery and equipment | IGMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Weapons systems | IGWK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Intellectual property products | IGIK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formation | INK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Investment in inventories | NK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Business investment in inventories: Non-farm inventories | NBNFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Business investment in inventories: Farm | NBAGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Mining, Total non-residential | IBMINNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Oil and gas, Total non-residential | IBOILNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Other mining (besides oil and gas), Total non-residential | IBOMNNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution, Total non-residential | IBPOWNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Manufacturing, Total non-residential | IBMANNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Transportation and warehousing, Total non-residential | IBTSCNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Pipeline transportation, Total non-residential | IBPIPNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing, Total non-residential | IBFFINNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Other, Total non-residential | IBOTHNRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total gross fixed capital formation | I | Millions $ |
| Total business gross fixed capital formation | IB | Millions $ |
| Residential structures | IB | Millions $ |
| Residential New construction | IBRN | Millions $ |
| Residential Renovations | IBRR | Millions $ |
| Residential Ownership transfer costs | IBRO | Millions $ |
| Non-residential structures | IBNS | Millions $ |
| Non-residential buildings | IBNSB | Millions $ |
| Engineering structures | IBNSE | Millions $ |
| Engineering structures, Pipeline Transportation | IBPIPNSE | Millions $ |
| Machinery and equipment | IBNM | Millions $ |
| Intellectual property products | IBI | Millions $ |
| Mineral exploration and evaluation | IBIM | Millions $ |
| Research and development | IBIR | Millions $ |
| Software | IBIS | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation | IG | Millions $ |
| Construction | IGC | Millions $ |
| Residential structures | IGCR | Millions $ |
| Non-residential structures | IGCN | Millions $ |
| Non-residential buildings | IGCNB | Millions $ |
| Engineering structures | IGCNE | Millions $ |
| Machinery and equipment | IGM | Millions $ |
| Weapons systems | IGW | Millions $ |
| Intellectual property products | IGI | Millions $ |
| Total non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formation | IN | Millions $ |
| Investment in inventories | N | Millions $ |
| Business investment in inventories: Non-farm inventories | NBNF | Millions $ |
| Business investment in inventories: Farm | NBAG | Millions $ |
| Total gross fixed capital formation | PI | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Total business gross fixed capital formation | PIB | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Residential structures | PIBR | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Residential New construction | PIBRN | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Residential Renovations | PIBRR | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Residential Ownership transfer costs | PIBRO | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Non-residential structures | PIBNS | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Non-residential buildings | PIBNSB | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Engineering structures | PIBNSE | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Machinery and equipment | PIBNM | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Intellectual property products | PIBI | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Mineral exploration and evaluation | PIBIM | Implicit Price Series 2007=1 |
| Research and development | PIBIR | Implicit Price Series 2007=1 |
| Software | PIBIS | Implicit Price Series 2007=1 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation | PIG | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Construction | PIGC | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Residential structures | PIGCR | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Non-residential structures | PIGCN | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Non-residential buildings | PIGCNB | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Engineering structures | PIGCNE | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Machinery and equipment | PIGM | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Weapons systems | PIGW | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Intellectual property products | PIGI | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Total non-profit institutions serving households' gross fixed capital formation | PIN | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Investment in inventories | PN | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Business investment in inventories: Non-farm inventories | PNBNF | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Business investment in inventories: Farm | PNBAG | Implicit Price Series 2017=1 |
| Electricity Power Price Index | PIPNEP | Implicit Price Series 2009=1 |
| Exports | X | Millions $ |
| Exports, Merchandise | XM | Millions $ |
| Exports, Non-Merchandise | XS | Millions $ |
| Imports | M | Millions $ |
| Imports, Merchandise | MM | Millions $ |
| Imports, Non-Merchandise | MS | Millions $ |
| Net Exports | XNET | Millions $ |
| Net Exports, Merchandise | XNETM | Millions $ |
| Net Exports, Non-Merchandise | XNETS | Millions $ |
| Net Investment Income Paid to Non-Residents | YNPNR | Millions $ |
| Net Current Transfers | BOPTRANS | Millions $ |
| Temporary Balance of Payments Adjustment Term | BPADJTMP | Millions $ |
| Current Account Balance | BPCA | |
| Current Account Balance/GDP | RBPCA | Millions $ |
| Statistical Discrepancy | FISD | Millions $ |
| Total Capital and financial account, net flows; all countries | FITOTAL | Millions $ |
| Exchange Rate | PFXI | Canada/U.S. |
| Interest Differential:Â T-Bill | RDTP90 | Canada/U.S. |
| Merchandise Exports, Total | XMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products | XAGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Live animals | XLANK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Wheat | XWHEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Canola | XCANK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Other Farm and Fishing Products | XOAGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products | XENK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Crude oil and crude bitumen | XOILK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products | XGASK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Refined petroleum energy products | XPCPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Electricity | XELEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Other energy products | XOENK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Crude Metals and Minerals | XCMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Primary Metals | XPMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products | XCHK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Wood products | XWDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Pulp and paper stock | XPAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products | XMFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts | XINDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts | XELCK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Motor vehicles and parts | XMVPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts | XAIRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other transportation equipment and parts | XOTRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other manufacturing products | XOMFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods | XCGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products | XFBTK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goods | XOCGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Special transactions trade | XSPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Other balance of payments adjustments | XBPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Exports, Total | XM | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products | XAG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Live animals | XLAN | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Wheat | XWHE | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Canola | XCAN | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Farm and fishing products, Other Farm and Fishing Products | XOAG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products | XEN | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Crude oil and crude bitumen | XOIL | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products | XGAS | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Refined petroleum energy products | XPCP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Electricity | XELE | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Energy Products, Other energy products | XOEN | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Crude Metals and Minerals | XCM | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Primary Metals | XPM | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products | XCH | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Wood products | XWD | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Pulp and paper stock | XPA | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products | XMF | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts | XIND | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts | XELC | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Motor vehicles and parts | XMVP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts | XAIR | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other transportation equipment and parts | XOTR | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Manufacturing products, Other manufacturing products | XOMF | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods | XCG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products | XFBT | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goods | XOCG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Special transactions trade | XSP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Exports, Other balance of payments adjustments | XBP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Total | PXM | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products | PXAG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Live animals | PXLAN | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Wheat | PXWHE | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Canola | PXCAN | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Farm and fishing products, Other Farm and Fishing Products | PXOAG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products | PXEN | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Crude oil and crude bitumen | PXOIL | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products | PXGAS | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Refined petroleum energy products | PXPCP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Electricity | PXELE | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Energy Products, Other energy products | PXOEN | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Crude Metals and Minerals | PXCM | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Primary Metals | PXPM | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic and rubber products | PXCH | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Wood products | PXWD | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Pulp and paper stock | PXPA | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products | PXMF | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts | PXIND | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts | PXELC | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Motor vehicles and parts | PXMVP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts | PXAIR | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Other transportation equipment and parts | PXOTR | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Manufacturing products, Other manufacturing products | PXOMF | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Consumer goods | PXCG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products | PXFBT | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Consumer goods, Other consumer goods | PXOCG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Special transactions trade | PXSP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Export Deflator, Other balance of payments adjustments | PXBP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Imports, Total | MMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Farm and fishing products | MAGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts | MENK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Crude oil and crude bitumen | MOILK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products | MGASK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Refined petroleum energy products | MPCPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Electricity | MELEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Other energy products | MOENK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Crude Metals and Minerals | MCMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Primary Metals | MPMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic & rubber products | MCHK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Wood products | MWDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Pulp and paper stock | MPAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products | MMFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts | MINDK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts | MELCK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Motor vehicles and parts | MMVPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts | MAIRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other transportation equipment and parts | MOTRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other manufacturing products | MOMFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods | MCGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products | MFBTK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Clothing, footwear and textile products | MTKCK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goods | MOCGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Special transactions trade | MSPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Other balance of payments adjustments | MBPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Merchandise Imports, Total | MM | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Farm and fishing products | MAG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts | MEN | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Crude oil and crude bitumen | MOIL | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products | MGAS | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Refined petroleum energy products | MPCP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Electricity | MELE | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Energy Proudcts, Other energy products | MOEN | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Crude Metals and Minerals | MCM | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Primary Metals | MPM | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic & rubber products | MCH | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Wood products | MWD | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Pulp and paper stock | MPA | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products | MMF | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts | MIND | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts | MELC | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Motor vehicles and parts | MMVP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts | MAIR | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other transportation equipment and parts | MOTR | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Manufacturing Products, Other manufacturing products | MOMF | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods | MCG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products | MFBT | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Clothing, footwear and textile products | MTKC | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Consumer goods, Other consumer goods | MOCG | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Special transactions trade | MSP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Imports, Other balance of payments adjustments | MBP | Millions $ |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Total | PMM | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Farm and fishing products | PMAG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts | PMEN | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Crude oil and crude bitumen | PMOIL | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Natural gas, natural gas liquids and related products | PMGAS | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Refined petroleum energy products | PMPCP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Electricity | PMELE | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Energy Proudcts, Other energy products | PMOEN | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Crude Metals and Minerals | PMCM | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Primary Metals | PMPM | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Basic and industrial chemical, plastic & rubber products | PMCH | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Wood products | PMWD | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Pulp and paper stock | PMPA | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products | PMMF | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Industrial machinery, equipment and parts | PMIND | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Electronic and electrical equipment and parts | PMELC | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Motor vehicles and parts | PMMVP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts | PMAIR | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Other transportation equipment and parts | PMOTR | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Manufacturing Products, Other manufacturing products | PMOMF | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods | PMCG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods, Food, beverage and tobacco products | PMFBT | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods, Clothing, footwear and textile products | PMTKC | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Consumer goods, Other consumer goods | PMOCG | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Deflator, Special transactions trade | PMSP | 2017=1.0 |
| Merchandise Import Delator, Other balance of payments adjustments | PMBP | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Total | XSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Travel | XTRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Transportation | XFSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Other Services | XOSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Total | MSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Travel | MTRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Transportation | MFSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Other Services | MOSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Balances, Travel | XNTRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Balances, Transportation | XNFSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Balances, Other Services | XNOSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total Balance, Total Non-Merchandise | XNETSK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Total | XS | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Travel | XTR | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Transport | XFS | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Exports, Other Services | XOS | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Imports | MS | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Travel | MTR | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Transportation | MFS | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Imports, Other Services | MOS | Millions $ |
| Exports of Interests and Dividends | XID | Millions $ |
| Imports of Interests and Dividends | MID | Millions $ |
| Imports of Interests and Dividends, Interests | MIN | Millions $ |
| Imports of Interests and Dividends, Dividends | MDV | Millions $ |
| Imports of Interests and Dividends, Other | MIO | Millions $ |
| Balances, Travel | XNTR | Millions $ |
| Balances, Transportation | XNFS | Millions $ |
| Balances, Other Services | XNOS | Millions $ |
| Balances, Investment Income (BOP) | XNID | Millions $ |
| Balances, Financial Services indirectly measured (NIA) | XFIS | Millions $ |
| Balances, Financial Services indirectly measured (NIA) | MFIS | Millions $ |
| Balances, Financial Services indirectly measured (NIA) | XNFI | Millions $ |
| Total Balance, Total Non-Merchandise | XNETS | Millions $ |
| Non-Merchandise Export Deflator, Total | PXS | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Export Deflator, Travel | PXTR | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Export Deflator, Transportation | PXFS | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Export Deflator,Other Services | PXOS | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Import Deflator, Total | PMS | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Import Deflator, Travel | PMTR | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Import Deflator, Transportation | PMFS | 2017=1.0 |
| Non-Merchandise Import Deflator,Other Services | PMOS | 2017=1.0 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices | QRDP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support | QAGG | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support, Crop and Animal Production | QCROP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product: Forestry and Logging | QFLOG | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support, Fishing, Hunting and Trapping | QHUNT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Crop, Forestry, Fishing and Trapping and Support, Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry | QSAGF | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining | QMIN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction | QMOIL | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Conventional Oil Extraction | QMOIC | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Non-conventional Oil Extraction | QMOIN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Coal Mining | QMCOA | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Metal Ore Mining | QMORE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Non-Metallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying | QMMIN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Mining, Support Activities for Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction | QMSUP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Utilities | QUTI | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Utilities, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution | QEPOW | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Utilities, Natural Gas Distribution, Water, Sewage and Other Systems | QGASD | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction | QCON | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Residential Building Construction | QCRES | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Non-residential Building Construction | QCNRB | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Oil and Gas Engineering Construction | QCOIL | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Electric Power Engineering Construction | QCEPE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Transportation Engineering Construction | QCTRA | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Repair Construction | QCOBU | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Construction, Other Construction | QCOEN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing | QMAN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing | QFFOO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing | QFBEV | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Textile and Textile Product Mills | QFTEX | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Clothing Manufacturing | QFCLO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Wood Product Manufacturing | QFWOO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Paper Manufacturing | QFPAP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Printing and Related Support Activities | QFPRN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | QFPET | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Chemical Manufacturing | QFCHE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing | QFPLA | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Non-Metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing | QFMIN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Primary Metal Manufacturing | QFPRM | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing | QFFAB | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Machinery Manufacturing | QFMAC | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing | QFCOM | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Electrical Equipment, Appliance and Component Manufacturing | QFEEQ | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing | QFTR | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Motor Vehicle and Parts | QFMVP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Other Transportation | QFOTR | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing | QFFUR | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Miscellaneous Manufacturing | QFMIS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services | QSER | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services | QCMS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade | QWRT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Building material and supplies wholesaler-distributors | QTWBU | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Food, beverage and tobacco wholesaler-distributors | QTWFO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Wholesale Trade | QTWHO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Machinery, equipment and supplies wholesaler-distributors | QTWME | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Motor vehicle and parts wholesaler-distributors | QTWMV | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Other Wholesale trade | QTWOT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers | QTRBU | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Clothing and clothing accessories stores | QTRCL | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Retail Trade | QTRET | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Food and beverage stores | QTRFO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Furniture and home furnishings stores and Electronics and appliance stores | QTRFU | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Gasoline stations | QTRGA | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Retail Motor vehicle and parts dealers | QTRMV | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Other Retail Trade | QTROT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Trade, Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores | QTRSP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing | QTSC | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Air transportation | QWAIR | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Rail transportation | QWRAI | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Water transportation | QWWAT | Millions $ |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Truck Transportation | QWTRU | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation | QWTRA | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Pipeline Transportation | QWPIP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Support activities for transportation | QWSUP | Millions $ |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Postal Service and Couriers and Messengers | QWPOS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Transportation and Warehousing, Warehousing and Storage | QWSTO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services | QCUL | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services, Motion Picture and broadcasting | QCPIC | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services, Publishing Industries, Data processing, hosting, and related services | QCPTE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Information and Cultural Services, Publishing Industries, Information Services and Data Processing Services | QCPUB | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Credit intermediation and monetary authorities | QFFIN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Insurance carriers and related activities | QFINS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Real estate and rental and leasing | QFREA | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | QIFI | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | QEMAN | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Other, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | QPROF | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Other, Administrative and Support Services | QADMI | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Rental and Leasing, Other, Waste Management and Remediation Services | QWAST | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services | QNCS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Educational Services | QEDUC | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Health Care and Social Assistance and Hospitals | QHEAL | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Arts, Entertainment and Recreation | QARTS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Business Services, Accommodation and Food Services | QACCO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Services, Repair and Maintenance, Grant making Organizations, and Operating Office, Cafeteria and Lab Supplies | QOSER | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government | QPAD | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Other Municipal Government Services | QPLOC | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Other Provincial and Territorial Government Services | QPROV | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Aboriginal public administration | QPABO | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Federal Government Defence Services | QPDEF | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Government, Other Federal Government Services | QPFED | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing | QFAER | Millions $ 2007 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing | QFRRR | Millions $ 2007 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Basic Prices, Manufacturing, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing, Ship and Boat Building | QFSHP | Millions $ 2007 |
| Employment | E | Thousands ('000s) |
| Part-Time Employment | EPART | Thousands ('000s) |
| Total Population | HP | Thousands ('000s) |
| Source Population | LP | Thousands ('000s) |
| Participation Rate | LPR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Labour Force | LF | Thousands ('000s) |
| Unemployment Rate | UR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment | E | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Agriculture | ECRO | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Other Primary | EOPR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Manufacturing | EMAN | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Construction | ECON | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Utilities | EUTI | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, | ESER | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial | ECMS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Wholesale and Retail Trade | EWRT | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Transportation and Warehousing | ETSC | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Leasing | EIFI | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | EPRO | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Business, Building and other Support Services | EADW | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Information, Culture and Recreation | ECUR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Accommodation and Food Services | EACC | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Commercial, Other Services | EOSE | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Non-Commercial | ENCS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Non-Commercial, Educational Services | EEDU | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Non-Commercial, Health Care and Social Assistance | EHEA | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment, Services, Public Administration and Defence | EPAD | Thousands ('000s) |
| Average Weekly Hours, Industrial Composite | AWHIC | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Agriculture | AWHCRO | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Other Primary | AWHOPR | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Manufacturing | AWHMAN | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Construction | AWHCON | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Utilities | AWHUTI | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services | AWHSER | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services | AWHCMS | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade | AWHWRT | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and Warehousing | AWHTSC | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate and Leasing | AWHIFI | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | AWHPRO | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Business, Building and other Support Services | AWHADW | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Information, Culture and Recreation | AWHCUR | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Accommodation and Food Services | AWHACC | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Commercial Services, Other Services | AWHOSE | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Non-Commercial Services | AWHNCS | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational Services | AWHEDU | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social Assistance | AWHHEA | |
| Average Weekly Hours, Services, Public Administration and Defence | AWHPAD | |
| Productivity, Private Non-Farm | PRPNF | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Agriculture | PRCRO | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Other Primary | PROPR | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Manufacturing | PRMAN | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Construction | PRCON | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Utilities | PRUTI | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services | PRSER | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services | PRCMS | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade | PRWRT | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and Warehousing | PRTSC | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate and Leasing | PRIFI | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | PRPRO | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Business, Building and other Support Services | PRADW | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Information, Culture and Recreation | PRCUR | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Accommodation and Food Services | PRACC | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Commercial Services, Other Services | PROSE | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Non-Commercial Services | PRNCS | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational Services | PREDU | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social Assistance | PRHEA | Output/Person Hour |
| Productivity, Services, Public Administration and Defence | PRPAD | Output/Person Hour |
| Average Weekly Wages (Industrial Composite) | WWIC | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Agriculture | WWCRO | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Other Primary | WWOPR | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Manufacturing | WWMAN | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Construction | WWCON | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Utilities | WWUTI | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services | WWSER | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services | WWCMS | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade | WWWRT | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and Warehousing | WWTSC | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Insurance, Finance, Real Estate and Leasing | WWIFI | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services | WWPRO | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Business, Building and other Support Services | WWADW | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Information, Culture and Recreation | WWCUR | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Accommodation and Food Services | WWACC | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Other Services | WWOSE | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services | WWNCS | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational Services | WWEDU | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social Assistance | WWHEA | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, Services, Public Administration and Defence | WWPAD | $ |
| Average Weekly Wages, All Industries | WW | $ |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Agriculture | AWCRO | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Other Primary | AWOPR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Manufacturing | AWMAN | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Construction | AWCON | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Utilities | AWUTI | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services | AWSER | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services | AWCMS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade | AWWRT | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and Warehousing | AWTSC | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Commercial Services, Commercial and Personal Services | AWCPS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Non-Commercial Services | AWNCS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational Services | AWEDU | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social Assistance | AWHEA | Thousands ('000s) |
| Wages and Salaries Per Employee, Services, Public Administration and Defence | AWPAD | Thousands ('000s) |
| Total Wages, Agriculture | WCRO | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Other Primary | WOPR | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Manufacturing | WMAN | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Construction | WCON | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Utilities | WUTI | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade | WWRT | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and Warehousing | WTSC | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Services, Commercial Services, Commercial and Personal Services | WCPS | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational services | WEDU | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social Assistance | WHEA | Millions $ |
| Total Wages, Services, Public Administration and Defence | WPAD | Millions $ |
| Labour Income | WWTO | Millions $ |
| Supplementary Labour Income | WSLY | Millions $ |
| Total Income | WYTO | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs (Industrial Composite) | ULCIC | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Agriculture | ULCCRO | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Other Primary | ULCOPR | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Manufacturing | ULCMAN | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Construction | ULCCON | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Utilities | ULCUTI | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services | ULCSER | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services | ULCCMS | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade | ULCWRT | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services, Transportation and Warehousing | ULCTSC | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Commercial Services, Commercial and Personal Services | ULCCPS | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Non-Commercial Services | ULCNCS | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Educational Services | ULCEDU | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Non-Commercial Services, Health Care and Social Assistance | ULCHEA | Millions $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Services, Public Administration and Defence | ULCPAD | Millions $ |
| Relative Unit Labour Cost Index, Canadian/U.S. (Industrial Composite) | RULCUS | Millions $ |
| Capacity Utilization Rates - Manufacturing | CURMAN | Millions $ |
| Industrial Production Index | QIP | Millions $ |
| West Texas Intermediate Oil Price (U.S. $) | POILUS | U.S. $ |
| Henry Hub Natural Gas Price (U.S. $) | PGASUS | U.S. $ |
| Raw Materials Price Index, Total | PRM | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw materials price index, excluding crude energy products | PRMXE | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Price Index, Animal and animal products | PRMAP | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Product Index, Logs, pulpwood, natural rubber and other forestry products | PRMWD | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Price Index, Crop Products | PRMCP | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Price Index, Non-metallic Minerals | PRMNM | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Price Index, Non-metallic Minerals | PRMMT | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Material Price Index, Crude Energy Products | PRMMF | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Product Index, Crude oil and cude bitumen | PRMMFO | January 2020=1.0 |
| Raw Materials Product Index, Mineral fuels, Natural gas | PRMMFG | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Total manufacturing | PIP | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Food, beverage and tobacco product manufacturing | PIPFB | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Wood product manufacturing | PIPWD | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Paper manufacturing | PIPPA | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Petroleum and coal products manufacturing | PIPPC | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Chemical manufacturing | PIPCH | January 2020=1.0 |
| Western Canada Select Oil Price | POILWCS | U.S. $ |
| Canadian Heavy Differential | POILWCSD | U.S. $ |
| Industry Product Price, Primary metal manufacturing | PIPPM | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Machinery manufacturing | PIPME | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Motor vehicle and parts | PIPMV | January 2020=1.0 |
| Industry Product Price, Other manufacturing | PIPOM | January 2020=1.0 |
| Average resale home price | PHMLS | $ |
| New housing price index | PHNHPI | 2017=1.0 |
| Business Residential Construction Deflator | PIBR | 2017=1.0 |
| Aggregate Deflators, Final Domestic Demand | PFDD | 2017=1.0 |
| Aggregate Deflators, Gross Domestic Product | PGDP | 2017=1.0 |
| General governments revenue | TREV | Millions $ |
| Taxes on incomes | TINC | Millions $ |
| Contributions to social insurance plans | TEIPC | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production and imports | TPRM | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production | TPRDT | Millions $ |
| Taxes on products | TPRO | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from households | TTPER | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving households | TTNPR | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from non-residents | TTFNRF | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYIN | Millions $ |
| Sales of goods and services | TSOGS | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | TCAP | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXP | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGS | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHH | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving households | GTNPR | Millions $ |
| Subsidies | GSUB | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on products and imports | GSPI | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents | GTNR | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | GCAS | Millions $ |
| Interest on debt | GIOPD | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBAL | Millions $ |
| consumption of fixed capital | GCCA | Millions $ |
| Less: non-financial capital acquisition | GNFC | Millions $ |
| Fixed capital | GNFF | Millions $ |
| Inventories | GNFIN | Millions $ |
| Equals: net lending or net borrowing | GNTL | Millions $ |
| General governments revenue | TREVF | Millions $ |
| Taxes on incomes | TINCF | Millions $ |
| From households | TIHHF | Millions $ |
| Income taxes | TIPITF | Millions $ |
| Wealth transfer taxes | TIWTTF | Millions $ |
| From corporations and government business enterprises, liabilities (accrual basis) | TIBITF | Millions $ |
| From non-residents (withholding taxes) | TINRWF | Millions $ |
| Contributions to social insurance plans | TEIPCF | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production and imports | TPRMF | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production | TPRDTF | Millions $ |
| Taxes on products | TPROF | Millions $ |
| Custom import duties | TPCIDF | Millions $ |
| Excise duties | TPEXDF | Millions $ |
| Excise taxes | TPXTF | Millions $ |
| Manufacturers' sales tax | TPFSTF | Millions $ |
| Gasoline and motive fuel taxes | TPGASF | Millions $ |
| Oil export tax, Natural gas and old age security fund levy | TPOILF | Millions $ |
| Other excise taxes | TPOTHF | Millions $ |
| Goods and services tax, accrual basis | TPGSTF | Millions $ |
| Air travellers security charge | TPAIRF | Millions $ |
| Federal-provincial lottery agreement | TPLOTF | Millions $ |
| Parimutuel supervision | TPPARF | Millions $ |
| Western Grain Stabilization levy, Canadian ownership charge, Petroleum compensation charge, Other federal taxes on products | TPPETF | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from households | TTPERF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving households | TTNPRF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from general governments | TGOVF | Millions $ |
| From provincial and territorial general governments | TGPRVF | Millions $ |
| From local general governments | TGLOCF | Millions $ |
| From Aboriginal general governments | TGABOF | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from non-residents | TTFNRF | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYINF | Millions $ |
| Royalties | TYROYF | Millions $ |
| Interest and other investment income | TYIINF | Millions $ |
| Remitted profits of government business enterprises | TYGBUF | Millions $ |
| Sales of goods and services | TSOGSF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | TCAPF | Millions $ |
| From households | TCPERF | Millions $ |
| From non-profit institutions serving households | TCNPRF | Millions $ |
| From business | TCBUSF | Millions $ |
| From general governments | TCGOVF | Millions $ |
| From non-residents | TCNRSF | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXPF | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGSF | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Non-defence | GGSNDEF | Millions $ |
| Defence | GGSDEFF | Millions $ |
| Consumption of fixed capital | GCCAF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHHF | Millions $ |
| Family and youth allowances | GTHFAF | Millions $ |
| Child Tax Benefit | GTHCTF | Millions $ |
| Universal Childcare Benefit | GTHCBF | Millions $ |
| Child Tax Credit | GTHCCF | Millions $ |
| Employment Insurance benefits | GTHEIF | Millions $ |
| Old age security | GTHOAF | Millions $ |
| Goods and Services Tax credit | GTHGSF | Millions $ |
| War veterans' allowances | GTHVEF | Millions $ |
| Adult occupational training | GTHTRF | Millions $ |
| Research and scholarship grants | GTHREF | Millions $ |
| Other federal transfers to households | GTHOTF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving households | GTNPRF | Millions $ |
| Subsidies | GSUBF | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on products and imports | GSPIF | Millions $ |
| Agriculture | GSPAGF | Millions $ |
| Non-agriculture | GSPNAF | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on production | GSPROF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments | GXGRF | Millions $ |
| To provincial and territorial general governments | GXTPF | Millions $ |
| To provincial and territorial administration | GXPTF | Millions $ |
| Taxation agreements | GXPTAF | Millions $ |
| Post-secondary education | GXPPS | Millions $ |
| Hospital insurance | GXPHIF | Millions $ |
| Medicare | GXPMCF | Millions $ |
| Extended health care | GXPEHF | Millions $ |
| Canada Assistance Plan | GXPCAF | Millions $ |
| Canadian health and social transfers | GXPHF | Millions $ |
| Canadian Health Transfer | GXPHTF | Millions $ |
| Canadian Social Transfer | GXPSTF | Millions $ |
| Territorial governments | GXPTGF | Millions $ |
| Official languages | GXPOLF | Millions $ |
| Regional development | GXPRDF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments, Other | GXPOTF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments, provincial and territorial education | GXEDUF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments, provincial health and social services | GXHSSF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments, local general governments | GXLGGF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments, Aboriginal general governments | GXABOF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents | GTNRF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents, Contributions and aid | GTNRAF | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents, Pension benefits and other | GTNRPF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | GCASF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To households | GCAHHF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To non-profit institutions serving households | GCANPF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To business | GCABUF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To general governments | GCAGF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To provincial and territorial general governments | GCAGPF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To local general governments | GCAGLF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To Aboriginal general governments | GCAGAF | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To non-residents | GCANRF | Millions $ |
| Interest on debt | GIOPDF | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBALF | Millions $ |
| Non-financial capital acquisition | GNFCF | Millions $ |
| Fixed capital | GNFFF | Millions $ |
| New capital | GNFNCF | Millions $ |
| Existing capital | GNFECF | Millions $ |
| Inventories | GNFINF | Millions $ |
| Net lending or net borrowing | GNTLF | Millions $ |
| General governments revenue | TREVP | Millions $ |
| Taxes on incomes | TINCP | Millions $ |
| From households | TIHHP | Millions $ |
| From corporations and government business enterprises, liabilities (accrual basis) | TIBITP | Millions $ |
| Contributions to social insurance plans | TEIPCP | Millions $ |
| Employers contributions to workers' compensation | TEIWCP | Millions $ |
| Employer and employee contributions to industrial employees' vacations | TEIVCP | Millions $ |
| Contributions to social insurance plans, other | TEIOTP | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production and imports | TPRMP | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production | TPRDP | Millions $ |
| Natural resource licences and taxes | TPNATP | Millions $ |
| Motor vehicle licences | TPMVLP | Millions $ |
| Licences, permits and fees | TPLICP | Millions $ |
| Real property taxes | TPPRXP | Millions $ |
| Capital taxes | TPCAPP | Millions $ |
| Payroll taxes | TPPAYP | Millions $ |
| Agricultural insurance premiums | TPAGRP | Millions $ |
| Other provincial and territorial taxes on production | TPPOTP | Millions $ |
| Taxes on products | TPROP | Millions $ |
| General sales taxes | TPGSTP | Millions $ |
| Tobacco taxes | TPTSTP | Millions $ |
| Other sales taxes | TPOSTP | Millions $ |
| Amusement taxes | TPAMUP | Millions $ |
| Gasoline and motive fuel taxes | TPGASP | Millions $ |
| Liquor trading profits | TPLIQP | Millions $ |
| Gaming trading profits | TPGAMP | Millions $ |
| Land transfer taxes | TPLTTP | Millions $ |
| Liquor gallonage taxes | TPLIGP | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from households | TTPERP | Millions $ |
| Motor vehicle and drivers licences | TTPMVP | Millions $ |
| Health insurance premiums | TTPHIP | Millions $ |
| Other | TTPOTP | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from households, Education | TTPEDP | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from households, Health Care | TTPHEP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving households | TTNPRP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from general governments | TGOVP | Millions $ |
| From federal government | TGFEDP | Millions $ |
| From local general governments | TGLOCP | Millions $ |
| From Aboriginal general governments | TGABOP | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYINP | Millions $ |
| Royalties | TYROYP | Millions $ |
| Interest and other investment income | TYIINP | Millions $ |
| Remitted profits of government business enterprises | TYGBUP | Millions $ |
| Provincial and territorial education; Investment income | TYEDUP | Millions $ |
| Provincial and territorial health and social services; Investment income | TYHEAP | Millions $ |
| Sales of goods and services | TSOGSP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | TCAPP | Millions $ |
| From households | TCPERP | Millions $ |
| From non-profit institutions serving households | TCNPRP | Millions $ |
| From business | TCBUSP | Millions $ |
| From general governments | TCGOVP | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXPP | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGSP | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, General | GGSGENP | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Medicare | GGSMEDP | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Hospitals | GGSHEAP | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Education | GGSEDUP | Millions $ |
| Consumption of fixed capital | GCCAP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHHP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Income maintenance | GTHWEP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Other Social Assistance | GTHOSP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Social insurance benefits, workers' compensation | GTHWCP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Social insurance benefits, other | GTHSIP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Health Care | GTHOTP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Education | GTHHEP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Other | GTHEDP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving households | GTNPRP | Millions $ |
| Subsidies | GSUBP | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on products and imports | GSPIP | Millions $ |
| Agriculture | GSPAGP | Millions $ |
| Non-agriculture | GSPNAP | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on production | GSPROP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments | GXGRP | Millions $ |
| To Federal Government | GXTFDP | Millions $ |
| To local general governments | GXLOCP | Millions $ |
| To Aboriginal general governments | GXABOP | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents | GTNRP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | GCASP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To households | GCAHHP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To non-profit institutions serving households | GCANPP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To business | GCABUP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To general governments | GCAGP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers,To Federal Government | GCAGFP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To local general governments | GCAGLP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To Aboriginal general governments | GCAGAP | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers, To non-residents | GCANRP | Millions $ |
| Interest on debt | GIOPDP | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBALP | Millions $ |
| Less: non-financial capital acquisition | GNFCP | Millions $ |
| Fixed capital | GNFFP | Millions $ |
| New capital | GNFNCP | Millions $ |
| Existing capital | GNFECP | Millions $ |
| Equals: net lending or net borrowing | GNTLP | Millions $ |
| Business taxes | TPBUSL | Millions $ |
| Amusement taxes | TPAMUL | Millions $ |
| General governments revenue | TREVL | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production and imports | TPRML | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production | TPRDL | Millions $ |
| Licences, permits and fees | TPLICL | Millions $ |
| Real property taxes | TPPRXL | Millions $ |
| Other local taxes on factors of production | TPPOTL | Millions $ |
| Taxes on products | TPROL | Millions $ |
| Deed transfer tax | TPDEEL | Millions $ |
| Local sales taxes | TPSTXL | Millions $ |
| Other current transfers from households | TTPERL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from non-profit institutions serving households | TTNPRL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from general governments | TGOVL | Millions $ |
| From federal government | TGFEDL | Millions $ |
| From provincial and territorial general governments | TGPRVL | Millions $ |
| From Aboriginal general governments | TGABOL | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYINL | Millions $ |
| Interest and other investment income | TYIINL | Millions $ |
| Remitted profits of government business enterprises | TYGBUL | Millions $ |
| Sales of goods and services | TSOGSL | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | TCAPL | Millions $ |
| From households | TCPERL | Millions $ |
| From non-profit institutions serving households | TCNPRL | Millions $ |
| From business | TCBUSL | Millions $ |
| From general governments | TCGOVL | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXPL | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGSL | Millions $ |
| Consumption of fixed capital | GCCAL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHHL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households, Social assistance | GTHWEL | Millions $ |
| Other federal transfers to households, other | GTHOTL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-profit institutions serving households | GTNPRL | Millions $ |
| Subsidies | GSUBL | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on products and imports | GSPIML | Millions $ |
| Subsidies on production | GSPROL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to general governments | GXGRL | Millions $ |
| To Federal Government | GXTFDL | Millions $ |
| To provincial and territorial general governments | GXPROL | Millions $ |
| To Aboriginal general governments | GXABOL | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents | GTNRL | Millions $ |
| Capital transfers | GCASL | Millions $ |
| To non-profit institutions serving households | GCANPL | Millions $ |
| To business | GCABUL | Millions $ |
| To general governments | GCAGL | Millions $ |
| To non-residents | GCANRL | Millions $ |
| Interest on debt | GIOPDL | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBALL | Millions $ |
| Less: non-financial capital acquisition | GNFCL | Millions $ |
| Fixed capital | GNFFL | Millions $ |
| New capital | GNFNCL | Millions $ |
| Existing capital | GNFECL | Millions $ |
| Equals: net lending or net borrowing | GNTLL | Millions $ |
| To households | GCAHHL | Millions $ |
| Developers fees | TPDEVL | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, General Operating Expenditure | GGSGENL | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services, Education Operating Expenditure | GGSEDUL | Millions $ |
| General governments revenue | TREVA | Millions $ |
| Taxes on production and imports | TPRMA | Millions $ |
| Current transfers from general governments | TGOVA | Millions $ |
| From federal government | TGFEDA | Millions $ |
| From provincial and territorial general governments | TGPRVA | Millions $ |
| From local general governments | TGLOCA | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYINA | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXPA | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGSA | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHHA | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBALA | Millions $ |
| consumption of fixed capital | GCCAA | Millions $ |
| Less: non-financial capital acquisition | GNFCA | Millions $ |
| Fixed capital | GNFFA | Millions $ |
| Equals: net lending or net borrowing | GNTLA | Millions $ |
| General governments revenue | TREVC | Millions $ |
| Contributions to social insurance plans | TEIPCC | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYINC | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXPC | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGSC | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHHC | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to non-residents | GTNRC | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBALC | Millions $ |
| General governments revenue | TREVQ | Millions $ |
| Contributions to social insurance plans | TEIPCQ | Millions $ |
| Investment income | TYINQ | Millions $ |
| General governments expenditure | GEXPQ | Millions $ |
| Gross current expenditure on goods and services | GGGSQ | Millions $ |
| Current transfers to households | GTHHQ | Millions $ |
| General governments surplus or deficit | GBALQ | Millions $ |
| Pension assets at market value, CPP | KCPP | Millions $ |
| Pension assets at market value, QPP | KQPP | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation | IGK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Construction | IGCK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential structures | IGCNK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRLK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBLK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNELK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMLK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Weapons systems | IGWK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGIK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGIAK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGIFK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGILK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation,Intellectual property products | IGIPK | Millions $ 2017 |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation | IG | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Construction | IGC | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCR | Millions $ |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRA | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential structures | IGCN | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNB | Millions $ |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRF | Millions $ |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRL | Millions $ |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBA | Millions $ |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBF | Millions $ |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Residential structures | IGCRP | Millions $ |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBL | Millions $ |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Non-residential buildings | IGCNBP | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNE | Millions $ |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEA | Millions $ |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEF | Millions $ |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEL | Millions $ |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Engineering structures | IGCNEP | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGM | Millions $ |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMA | Millions $ |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMF | Millions $ |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGML | Millions $ |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation, Machinery and equipment | IGMP | Millions $ |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Weapons systems | IGW | Millions $ |
| Total general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGI | Millions $ |
| Aboriginal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGIA | Millions $ |
| Federal general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGIF | Millions $ |
| Local general governments gross fixed capital formation, Intellectual property products | IGIL | Millions $ |
| Provincial general governments gross fixed capital formation,Intellectual property products | IGIP | Millions $ |
| Total assets, Federal Government | KASSF | Millions $, Book Value |
| Financial assets, Federal Government | KASSFIF | Millions $, Book Value |
| Non-financial assets, Federal Government | KASSNFF | Millions $, Book Value |
| Total Liabilities Federal Government | KLIAF | Millions $, Book Value |
| Net worth, Federal Government | KDEBTF | Millions $, Book Value |
| Total assets, Provincial Government | KASSP | Millions $, Book Value |
| Financial assets, Provincial Government | KASSFIP | Millions $, Book Value |
| Non-financial assets, Provincial Government | KASSNFP | Millions $, Book Value |
| Total Liabilities Provincial Government | KLIAP | Millions $, Book Value |
| Net worth, Provincial Government | KDEBTP | Millions $, Book Value |
| Total assets, Local Government | KASSL | Millions $, Book Value |
| Financial assets, Local Government | KASSFIL | Millions $, Book Value |
| Non-financial assets, Local Government | KASSNFL | Millions $, Book Value |
| Total Liabilities, Local Government | KLIAL | Millions $, Book Value |
| Net worth, Federal Government | KDEBTL | Millions $, Book Value |
| Pension assets at market value, CPP | KCPP | Millions $ Market Value |
| Pension assets at market value, QPP | KQPP | Millions $ Market Value |
| Canada, Personal Savings Deposits | RPSD | |
| Canada, 1-Year GIC | RGIC1 | |
| Canada, 3-Year GIC | RGIC3 | |
| Canada, 5-Year GIC | RGIC5 | |
| Canada, 30-Day Treasury Bill | RTB30 | |
| Canada, 90-Day Treasury Bill | RTB90 | |
| Canada, 6-Month Treasury Bill | RTB6M | |
| Canada, 1-Year Treasury Bill | RTB1Y | |
| Canada, 30-Day Corporate Paper | RCP30 | |
| Canada, Bank Rate | RBANK | |
| Overnight Rate, Average Rate Over Quarter | ROVNT | |
| Canada, Prime Lending Rate | RPRIME | |
| Canada, Real Prime Lending Rate | RPRIMEK | |
| Canada, 1-Year Conventional Mortgage | RMCM1 | |
| Canada, 3-Year Conventional Mortgage | RMCM3 | |
| Canada, 5-Year Conventional Mortgage | RMCM5 | |
| Canada, Average Residential Mortgage Rate | RAVMT5 | |
| Canada, Consumer Loan Rate | RCNLR | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: 1 - 3 Years | RGOC1 | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: 2 Years | RGOC2 | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: 3 Years | RGOC3 | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: 5 Years | RGOC5 | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: 7 Years | RGOC7 | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: 10 Years | RGOC10 | |
| Canada, Federal Bonds: Long-Term | RGOCL | |
| Canada, Canada Savings Bond | RCSB | |
| Canada, Interest rate on Bankers Acceptances | RBACC | |
| United States, Federal Fund Rate | USRFUND | |
| United States, Prime Lending Rate | USRPRIME | |
| United States, 90-Day Treasury Bill | USRTB90 | |
| United States, 90-Day Corporate Paper | USRCP90 | |
| 30 Year T-Bill Rate | USRLONGT | |
| United States;United States treasuries constant maturity: 5 year | USRGOC5 | % |
| United State, Moody's AAA Corporate Bond | USRCB | |
| Gross deposits at chartered banks | FDBCT | Millions $ |
| Total deposits at chartered banks held by general public | FDBGP | Millions $ |
| Total personal deposits at chartered banks | FDBPT | Millions $ |
| Personal checkable deposits at chartered banks | FDBPC | Millions $ |
| M2 Gross | FM2 | Millions $ |
| M3 Gross | FM3 | Millions $ |
| M2 Velocity | FM2VEL | |
| Total Canadian dollar assets of chartered banks | FABCT | Millions $ |
| T-bill holdings of chartered banks | FABGTB | Millions $ |
| Holdings of Govt. Of Canada bonds (<=3 years) by chartered banks | FABG3U | Millions $ |
| Holdings of Govt. Of Canada bonds (> 3 years) by chartered banks | FABG3A | Millions $ |
| Personal loans held by chartered banks | FABPL | Millions $ |
| Business loans held by chartered banks | FABBL | Millions $ |
| Residential mortgages held by chartered banks | FABRMORT | Millions $ |
| Bankers acceptances held by chartered banks | FABBA | Millions $ |
| Personal non-checkable deposits at chartered banks | FDBPNC | Millions $ |
| Personal fixed term deposits at chartered banks | FDBPFT | Millions $ |
| Total non-personal deposits at chartered banks | FDBNPT | Millions $ |
| Non-personal checkable deposits at chartered banks | FDBNPC | Millions $ |
| Non-personal non-checkable deposits at chartered banks | FDBNPNC | Millions $ |
| Non-personal fixed term deposits at chartered banks | FDBNPFT | Millions $ |
| Government of Canada deposits at chartered banks | FDBGOC | Millions $ |
| Capital Stock, total | KTOT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Business | KBUS | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Intelectual property | KBUSI | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, M&E | KBUSNM | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Building | KBUSNSB | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Engineering | KBUSNSE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Public | KPUB | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Public, Intelectual property | KPUBI | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Public. M&E | KPUBNM | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Public, Building | KPUBNSB | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital Stock, Public, Engineering | KPUBNSE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Capital - Labour Ratio | RKL | Millions $ 2017 |
| Consumer Price Index | PCPI | 2002=1.0 |
| Core Consumer Price Index | PCPIX | 2002=1.0 |
| Expected Inflation | PCER | |
| New Housing Price Index | PIBRN | 2017=1.0 |
| Real Interest Rate | RPRIME-PCER | |
| Output Gap | OGAP | |
| Total Employment | E | Thousands ('000s) |
| Unemployment Rate | UR | |
| Average Weekly Wages (Industrial Composite) | WWIC | $ |
| Unit Labour Costs, Industrial Composite | ULCIC | Millions $ |
| Raw Materials Price Index | PRM | 2010=1.0 |
| Potential Output | YPOT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Growth in Trend Productivity | TFPTR | TFP Units |
| Capital Stock, total | KTOT | Millions $ 2017 |
| Potential Average Hours Worked | AHTR | |
| Natural Unemployment Rate | NUR | |
| Actual Unemployment Rate | UR | |
| Potential Labour Force | LFTR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Actual Labour Force | LFTR | Thousands ('000s) |
| Potential Labour Part Rate | LPRTR | |
| Actual Labour Part Rate | LPR | |
| Actual Output | QRDPZIRE | Millions $ 2017 |
| Output Gap | OGAP | Millions $ 2017 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices (Billions U.S. $ 2009) | USGDPK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| GDP Deflator | USPGDP | 2009=100 |
| Producer Price Index (Finished Goods) | USPPFG | 1982=100 |
| Consumer Price Index | USPCPI | 1982-84=100 |
| Index of Industrial Production | USQI | 1997=100 |
| Housing Starts | USIHS | Thousands ('000s) SAAR |
| Unit Labour Costs (Non-Farm) | USULCNF | 2009=100 |
| U.S. M2 | USFM2 | Billions U.S. $ |
| Federal Funds Rate | USRFUND | |
| Prime Loan Rate | USRPRIME | |
| 91-Day T-Bill Rate | USRTB90 | |
| 90-Day Commercial Paper Rate | USRCP90 | |
| 30 Year T-Bill Rate | USRLONGT | |
| Total Non-Farm Employment (Millions ) | USE | Millions U.S. $ |
| Moody's AAA Corporate Bond Rate | USRCB | |
| Unemployment Rate | USUR | |
| West Texas Intermediate Oil Price | POILUS | U.S. $/Barrel |
| Federal Reserve Board 10 Country $ Index | USPFXFRB | Billions U.S. $ |
| Federal Deficit NIPA Basis | USGBALF | Billions U.S. $ SAAR |
| Current Account Balance | USBPCA | Billions U.S. $ |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Consumer Expenditures | USCK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Government Spending and Investment | USGGSK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business | USIBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Residential Construction | USIRCBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Structures | USINRBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Equipment | USIMEK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Intellectual Property | USIBIK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Final Domestic Demand | USFDDK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Exports | USXK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Exports, Merchandise | USXMK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Imports | USMK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Imports, Merchandise | USMMK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Net Exports | USXNETK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Value of Physical Change in Inventories | USIIBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| U.S. GDP, Expenditure-Based, Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices | USGDPK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |