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Index of Business Confidence

 Index of Business ConfidenceIBC2014=100

Index of Business Confidence - Questions 1 to 6

 Q1: Better, Do you expect overall economic conditions in Canada six months from now to be:NQ01A%
 Q1: Same, Do you expect overall economic conditions in Canada six months from now to be:NQ01B%
 Q1: Worse, Do you expect overall economic conditions in Canada six months from now to be:NQ01C%
 Q2: < 1%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02A%
 Q2: 1%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02B%
 Q2: 2%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02C%
 Q2: 3%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02D%
 Q2: 4%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02E%
 Q2: 5%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02F%
 Q2: 6%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02G%
 Q2: 7%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02H%
 Q2: 8%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02I%
 Q2: > 8%, Do you expect prices, in general, in Canada to increase over the next six months at an annual rate of:NQ02J%
 Q3: Improve, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm's financial position to:NQ03A%
 Q3: Worsen, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm's financial position to:NQ03B%
 Q3: Remain the same, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm's financial position to:NQ03C%
 Q4: Improve, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm's profitability to:NQ04A%
 Q4: Worsen, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm's profitability to:NQ04B%
 Q4: Remain the same, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm's profitability to:NQ04C%
 Q5: Good, Would you say the present is a good or a bad time to undertake expenditures to expand your plant or add to your stock of machinery and equipment?NQ05A%
 Q5: Bad, Would you say the present is a good or a bad time to undertake expenditures to expand your plant or add to your stock of machinery and equipment?NQ05B%
 Q5: Not sure, Would you say the present is a good or a bad time to undertake expenditures to expand your plant or add to your stock of machinery and equipment?NQ05C%
 Q6: Up 20% or more, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06A%
 Q6: Up 10% to 19%, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06B%
 Q6: Up 1% to 9%, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06C%
 Q6: No change, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06D%
 Q6: Down 1% to 9%, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06E%
 Q6: Down 10% to 19%, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06F%
 Q6: Down 20% or more, What change in the level of your capital investment expenditures do you expect over the next 6 months?NQ06G%

Index of Business Confidence - Questions 7 to 10

 Q7: Atlantic Provinces, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07A%
 Q7: Quebec, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07B%
 Q7: Ontario, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07C%
 Q7: Prairie Provinces, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07D%
 Q7: British Columbia, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07E%
 Q7: United States, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07F%
 Q7: International, In which region(s) of the country do you expect the bulk of your planned investment expenditures for the next six months to take place?NQ07G%
 Q8: Above capacity, How do you assess your current level of operations relative to optimal capacity?NQ08A%
 Q8: At or close to capacity, How do you assess your current level of operations relative to optimal capacity?NQ08B%
 Q8: At, close to, or above capacity, How do you assess your current level of operations relative to optimal capacity?NQ08AB%
 Q8: Slightly below capacity, How do you assess your current level of operations relative to optimal capacity?NQ08C%
 Q8: Substantially below capacity, How do you assess your current level of operations relative to optimal capacity?NQ08D%
 Q9: Better than expected, Compared with six months ago, what is your current rate of return to invested capital?NQ09A%
 Q9: As expected, Compared with six months ago, what is your current rate of return to invested capital?NQ09B%
 Q9: Worse than expected, Compared with six months ago, what is your current rate of return to invested capital?NQ09C%
 Q10: Excess productive capacity, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10A%
 Q10: Weak market demand, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10B%
 Q10: Foreign competition, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10C%
 Q10: Rising cost of capital goods, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10D%
 Q10: Rising labour costs, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10E%
 Q10: Overall corporate liquidity, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10F%
 Q10: High interest rates, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10G%
 Q10: Weak commodity prices, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10H%
 Q10: Shortage of qualified staff, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10I%
 Q10: Government policies, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10J%
 Q10: Taxes, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10K%
 Q10: More attractive opportunities outside Canada, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10L%
 Q10: Appreciation of the Canadian dollar, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10M%
 Q10: Depreciation of the Canadian dollar, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10N%
 Q10: High electricity costs, What factors, if any, are currently adversely affecting the level of your planned expenditures in Canada?NQ10O%

Index of Business Confidence - Questions 11

 Q11: Increase, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm’s borrowing rates to:NQ11A%
 Q11: Decrease, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm’s borrowing rates to:NQ11B%
 Q11: Remain the same, Over the next six months, do you expect your firm’s borrowing rates to:NQ11C%

Index of Business Confidence - Questions 12

 Q12: Yes, Over the next six months, do you believe artificial intelligence (AI) tools will affect your firm’s investment plans?NQ12A%
 Q12: No, Over the next six months, do you believe artificial intelligence (AI) tools will affect your firm’s investment plans?NQ12B%
 Q12: Unsure, Over the next six months, do you believe artificial intelligence (AI) tools will affect your firm’s investment plans?NQ12C%