| Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices | USGDPK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| GDP Deflator | USPGDP | 1982=100 |
| Producer Price Index (Finished Goods) | USPPFG | 1982=100 |
| Consumer Price Index | USPCPI | 1982=100 |
| Index of Industrial Production | USQI | 1982=100 |
| Housing Starts | USIHS | Thousands ('000s) |
| Unit Labour Costs (Non-Farm) | USULCNF | 1982=100 |
| U.S. M2 | USFM2 | Billions U.S. $ |
| Federal Funds Rate | USRFUND | |
| Prime Loan Rate | USRPRIME | |
| 91-Day T-Bill Rate | USRTB90 | |
| 90-Day Commercial Paper Rate | USRCP90 | |
| 30-Year T- Bond Rate | USRLONGT | |
| Total Non-Farm Employment | USECES | Thousands ('000s) |
| Moody's AAA Corporate Bond Rate | USRCB | |
| Unemployment Rate | USUR | |
| West Texas intermediate Price | POILUS | U.S. $/Barrel |
| FRB 10 Country $ Index | USPFXFRB | Jan 97=100 |
| Federal Deficit NIPA Basis | USGBALF | Billions U.S. $ |
| Current Account Balance | USBPCA | Billions U.S. $ |
| Consumer Expenditures | USCK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Government Spending and Investment | USGK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business | USIBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Residential Construction | USIRCBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Structures | USINRBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Equipment | USIMEBK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Intellectual Property | USIBIK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Final Domestic Demand | USFDDK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Exports | USXK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Exports, Merchandise | USXMK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Imports | USMK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Imports, Merchandise | USMMK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Net Exports | USNETXK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Final Demand | USFDK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Value of Physical Change in Inventories | USIIK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices | USGDPK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Personal Income | YPUS | Billions U.S. $ |
| Labour Income | YPCEUS | Billions U.S. $ |
| Other Income | YPOTHER | Billions U.S. $ |
| Personal Disposable Income | YPDPIUS | Billions U.S. $ |
| Real Personal Disposable Income | USYPDK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Personal Savings | YPS | Billions U.S. $ |
| Personal Savings Rate | YPSR | |
| Corporate Profits | USYPRFBT | Billions U.S. $ |
| Consumer Expenditures | USCK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables | USCDK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables, Autos and Parts | USCAPK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables, Furniture and Household Durables | USCDFHK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables, Other Household Durables | USCDOK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Non Durables | USCNDK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Non Durables, Services | USCSK | Billions U.S. $ 2009 |
| Vehicle Sales | USVEHSALES | Thousands ('000s) |
| Total Population | USHP | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population less than 5 years | USHP0004 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 5-9 years old | USHP0509 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 10-14 years old | USHP1014 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 15+ | USHP15 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 15-19 years old | USHP1519 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 20-24 years old | USHP2024 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 25-29 years old | USHP2529 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 30-34 years old | USHP3034 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 35-39 years old | USHP3539 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 40-44 years old | USHP4044 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 45-49 years old | USHP4549 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 50-54 years old | USHP5054 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 55-59 years old | USHP5559 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 60-64 years old | USHP6064 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 65-69 years old | USHP6569 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 70-74 years old | USHP7074 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 75-79 years old | USHP7579 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 80-84 years old | USHP8084 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Population 85 years and Older | USHP85 | Thousands ('000s) |
| Employment Establishment Survey | USECES | Thousands ('000s) |
| Source Population | USSOURCEPOP | Thousands ('000s) |
| Labour Force | USLF | Thousands ('000s) |
| Participation Rate | USLPR | |
| Employed | USE | Thousands ('000s) |
| Unemployed | USU | Thousands ('000s) |
| Unemployment Rate | USUR | |
| Unit Labour Costs | USULCNF | 1982=100 |
| Unemployment Rate | PCNBOPHUS | 1982=100 |
| Unit Labour Costs | PCNBCPHUS | 1982=100 |
| M2 | USFM2 | Billions U.S. $ |
| Moody's AAA Corporate Bond | USRCB | |
| 3-Month Non-financial Corporate Paper | USRCP90 | |
| Federal Funds Rate | USRFUND | |
| 30-Year Mortgage Rate | USRMCM30 | |
| 30-YearT-Bond Rate | USRLONGT | |
| 3-Month Treasury Bill | USRTB90 | |
| Prime Rate | USRPRIME | |
| FRB 10 Country $ Index | USPFXFRB | Jan 97=100 |
| Current Account Balance | USBPCA | Billions U.S. $ |
| Output Gap | OGAP | |
| Consumer Price Index | USPCPI | 1982=100 |
| GDP Deflator | USPGDP | 1982=100 |
| Consumption | USPC | 1982=100 |
| Motor Vehicles & Parts | USPCAP | 1982=100 |
| Durable Goods | USPCD | 1982=100 |
| Furniture | USPCDFH | 1982=100 |
| Other | USPCDO | 1982=100 |
| Non Durable Goods | USPCND | 1982=100 |
| Services | USPCS | 1982=100 |
| Government Consumption | USPG | 1982=100 |
| Investment | USPIB | 1982=100 |
| Inventories | USPII | 1982=100 |
| Equipment | USPIMEB | 1982=100 |
| Structures | USPINRB | 1982=100 |
| Non-residential | USPIPEB | 1982=100 |
| Residential | USPIRCB | 1982=100 |
| Imports | USPM | 1982=100 |
| Goods Imports | USPMM | 1982=100 |
| Services Imports | USPMS | 1982=100 |
| Equipment Imports | USPPME | 1982=100 |
| Exports | USPX | 1982=100 |
| Goods Exports | USPXM | 1982=100 |
| Services Exports | USPXS | 1982=100 |