Browse US Forecast

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 DescriptionTimeseries File IDUnit of Measure

Table 1 - Key Economic Indicators

 Gross Domestic Product at Market PricesUSGDPKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 GDP DeflatorUSPGDP1982=100
 Producer Price Index (Finished Goods)USPPFG1982=100
 Consumer Price IndexUSPCPI1982=100
 Index of Industrial ProductionUSQI1982=100
 Housing StartsUSIHSThousands ('000s)
 Unit Labour Costs (Non-Farm)USULCNF1982=100
 U.S. M2USFM2Billions U.S. $
 Federal Funds RateUSRFUND 
 Prime Loan RateUSRPRIME 
 91-Day T-Bill RateUSRTB90 
 90-Day Commercial Paper RateUSRCP90 
 30-Year T- Bond RateUSRLONGT 
 Total Non-Farm EmploymentUSECESThousands ('000s)
 Moody's AAA Corporate Bond RateUSRCB 
 Unemployment RateUSUR 
 West Texas intermediate PricePOILUSU.S. $/Barrel
 FRB 10 Country $ IndexUSPFXFRBJan 97=100
 Federal Deficit NIPA BasisUSGBALFBillions U.S. $
 Current Account BalanceUSBPCABillions U.S. $

Table 2 - US Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure Based (Billions $ 2009)

 Consumer ExpendituresUSCKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Government Spending and InvestmentUSGKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Gross Fixed Capital Formation BusinessUSIBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Residential ConstructionUSIRCBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, StructuresUSINRBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, EquipmentUSIMEBKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Gross Fixed Capital Formation Business, Intellectual PropertyUSIBIKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Final Domestic DemandUSFDDKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 ExportsUSXKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Exports, MerchandiseUSXMKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 ImportsUSMKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Imports, MerchandiseUSMMKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Net ExportsUSNETXKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Final DemandUSFDKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Value of Physical Change in InventoriesUSIIKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Gross Domestic Product at Market PricesUSGDPKBillions U.S. $ 2009

Table 3 - Detailed Income and Consumption

 Personal IncomeYPUSBillions U.S. $
 Labour IncomeYPCEUSBillions U.S. $
 Other IncomeYPOTHERBillions U.S. $
 Personal Disposable IncomeYPDPIUSBillions U.S. $
 Real Personal Disposable IncomeUSYPDKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Personal SavingsYPSBillions U.S. $
 Personal Savings RateYPSR 
 Corporate ProfitsUSYPRFBTBillions U.S. $
 Consumer ExpendituresUSCKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Consumer Expenditures, Consumer DurablesUSCDKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables, Autos and PartsUSCAPKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables, Furniture and Household DurablesUSCDFHKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Consumer Expenditures, Consumer Durables, Other Household DurablesUSCDOKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Non DurablesUSCNDKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Non Durables, ServicesUSCSKBillions U.S. $ 2009
 Vehicle SalesUSVEHSALESThousands ('000s)

Table 4 - Population Projections by Age Category

 Total Population USHPThousands ('000s)
 Population less than 5 years USHP0004Thousands ('000s)
 Population 5-9 years old USHP0509Thousands ('000s)
 Population 10-14 years old USHP1014Thousands ('000s)
 Population 15+USHP15Thousands ('000s)
 Population 15-19 years old USHP1519Thousands ('000s)
 Population 20-24 years old USHP2024Thousands ('000s)
 Population 25-29 years old USHP2529Thousands ('000s)
 Population 30-34 years old USHP3034Thousands ('000s)
 Population 35-39 years old USHP3539Thousands ('000s)
 Population 40-44 years old USHP4044Thousands ('000s)

Table 5 - Population Projections by Age Category

 Population 45-49 years old USHP4549Thousands ('000s)
 Population 50-54 years old USHP5054Thousands ('000s)
 Population 55-59 years old USHP5559Thousands ('000s)
 Population 60-64 years old USHP6064Thousands ('000s)
 Population 65-69 years old USHP6569Thousands ('000s)
 Population 70-74 years old USHP7074Thousands ('000s)
 Population 75-79 years old USHP7579Thousands ('000s)
 Population 80-84 years old USHP8084Thousands ('000s)
 Population 85 years and Older USHP85Thousands ('000s)

Table 6 - Employment Statistics

 Employment Establishment SurveyUSECESThousands ('000s)
 Source PopulationUSSOURCEPOPThousands ('000s)
 Labour ForceUSLFThousands ('000s)
 Participation RateUSLPR 
 EmployedUSEThousands ('000s)
 UnemployedUSUThousands ('000s)
 Unemployment RateUSUR 
 Unit Labour CostsUSULCNF1982=100
 Unemployment RatePCNBOPHUS1982=100
 Unit Labour CostsPCNBCPHUS1982=100

Table 7 - Financial Statistics

 M2USFM2Billions U.S. $
 Moody's AAA Corporate BondUSRCB 
 3-Month Non-financial Corporate PaperUSRCP90 
 Federal Funds RateUSRFUND 
 30-Year Mortgage RateUSRMCM30 
 30-YearT-Bond RateUSRLONGT 
 3-Month Treasury BillUSRTB90 
 Prime RateUSRPRIME 
 FRB 10 Country $ IndexUSPFXFRBJan 97=100
 Current Account BalanceUSBPCABillions U.S. $
 Output GapOGAP 

Table 8 - Price Indexes

 Consumer Price IndexUSPCPI1982=100
 GDP DeflatorUSPGDP1982=100
 Motor Vehicles & PartsUSPCAP1982=100
 Durable GoodsUSPCD1982=100
 Non Durable GoodsUSPCND1982=100
 Government ConsumptionUSPG1982=100

Table 9 - Price Indexes

 Goods ImportsUSPMM1982=100
 Services ImportsUSPMS1982=100
 Equipment ImportsUSPPME1982=100
 Goods ExportsUSPXM1982=100
 Services ExportsUSPXS1982=100